I like to emphasize~Mecca~ScoobieDoo~M O L L Y~Dori~MummyAlice~Beckers the ALIEN
Becca couldn't help but feel foolish as she walked into the Arithmancy classroom, filled with younger kids. She was a fifth year, for Merlin's sake! Becca should have known this stuff already, yet here she was. But who could blame her? Everyone had their weaknesses and mathematical subjects had and forever would be her's. "Professor Hadley." She said, regarding the woman with a small nod. She could not express her gratitude of being given the chance to join into the lesson-which was something that Becca needed desperately. Taking awkward steps, Becca found herself a seat in the back.
That's just how we roll.
Last edited by Mrs_Molly_Weasley; 05-12-2010 at 07:49 PM.