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Cassirin Now he KNEW that he knew this one. Jake Upstead, looking all... not small and underclassman-ish anymore. "How's it going, Upstead? Thinking about additional education after graduation?"
Ahhh, what a question. If only Jake knew the answer.
"It's gggoing good, mate. Whuhh-what about with yyyou?" Jake responded, a little of his london roots showing through as he spoke. Like a laaaahndanah.
As for the question, Jake looked thoughtful for a moment.
"I dddunno. Depends whuhh-what cccourses there are. Like... wwwandlore or... wwwizarding llliterature. Or mmmaybe Dark Art tttheory or hhhistory."
Ohhhh the possibilities. Only they didn't HAVE those possibilities. So... that sucked.
"It's... a bbbit soon to be thuhh-thinking abbbout my fffuture."
Because Jake lived in the moment. Now the time was getting closer, he found he didn't want to leave Hogwarts when the time came...