Thread: Harry Potter: A New World - Sa13+
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Old 05-10-2010, 04:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Secret Snape
First Year
Default A New World - Sa13+
You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me

Credit to JKR for everything!{Including any quotes you may recognise} and credit for any songs in quotes to the Singers (except the Character Sarah and Freya, and the place Silsden, which is where I live, and anything else I may add)

A New World...

Sarah looked out of her bedroom window, and sighed at the thought of another week at school. She sometimes thought, that maybe she belonged somewhere else. She lived in a normal Orphanage, yet she could sometimes make things happen without touching them, or when she was mad... She shook her head and got dressed. Let's face it, she was just a misfit.
__________________________________________________ ____________

Sirius looked out the window of his parents house, wondering, how was Harry? As he thought that, something else nudged in the back of his mind. His Daughter. His Daughter, that his mother told Kreacher to give to an orphanage, because she was a half-blood. He went into the kitchen and made himself dinner. Just as he finished, Dumbledore walked into the kitchen. 'Sirius, I have good news.' he said. Sirius scowled. 'What?' he snapped. 'We have found her.' Dumbledore smiled. 'Who?' Sirius said, siting up a bit straighter. 'Sarah.' said Dumbledore. Sirius fell out of his chair. 'Where!' he replied, picking him self up and sitting back on the chair. 'In a Muggle Suburb, a little place called Silsden...'
__________________________________________________ ___________

Sarah got off the bus. There was a tall man, with black greasy hair that was in a curtain of his face. He was wearing a black cloak. 'It's not halloween yet.' said Sarah as she passed. The man just grabbed her bag. 'Oi! Get off it!' Sarah shot at the man as she tried to tug it out of his grasp. The man just turned and she was pulled with him into a tight tube, it seemed. Suddenly, the tube broke and she was standing in the middle of London. 'What the...' she started before she was pulled into a dingy pub. They just went through. The man pulled out a twig, and tapped a brick in the middle of the wall. Suddenly the wall wiggled, and moved apart so they could pass.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Sirius stood in the middle of Gringotts, watching a Goblin weighing rubies the size of his fist. He felt anxious, excited and that same feeling he had when he found Harry..
__________________________________________________ ______________

The Man pulled her towards a snowy white building, passing other shops on the way.Sarah just started at them. Unicorn Horns? A pet shop with owls? Suddenly the man stopped and she crashed into him. They had reached the doors. A the door dressed in a suit or Red and Gold was a....... 'Ummm, what are they?' she asked as the passed them trough gold doors. 'Goblins' the man said. Goblins! .Sarah couldn't believe her ears... as she entered a hall....
__________________________________________________ ______________

Sirius looked up and saw Snape coming towards him, dragging a girl by her school bag, rather roughly. The girl was staring round, at the gold, the rubies, and the goblins. Snape has reached him. 'There you are' he said pushing the girl towards him so she landed flat on her behind. 'Oi! You ever heard of being polite? Or did that die with the thought of washing your hair??' She scowled up at Snape. Then she looked up at Sirius. She had his hair, his face, and looked exactly like him, but her eyes, her eyes were the lovely hazel her mothers were. She looked at his face and he saw shock in those eyes, looking at a man who looked exactly like her, but not her eyes.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Sarah stared at this man in shock. He looked exactly like her, but his eyes were not Hazel, they were brown and looked deep into her soul. 'Who are you....' she asked. The man swallowed. 'Call me Dad.' he said. She looked at the eyes, and saw truth. She stood up, walked towards him, then rushed forward and hugged him, and he hugged her back. Somehow, she knew that she now belonged.....


Last edited by AmbiguouslyMe; 12-02-2010 at 08:11 PM.
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