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Old 05-10-2010, 03:59 PM   #11 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902

I just want to say THANK YOU to my readers for making me turn a one shot into a full blown story thread...

You've made me into some sort of crazy woman... I have to have a notebook with me everywhere!

BTW, if you see any smileys in the actual story, it's my crazt hyper moment... I can feel it coming on!

If You Go Down To The Woods Tonight

Only Idiots Fight Fair

Alicia stood in the middle of the moonlit clearing. Jamie was watching her from beside Hermione, Ron and Ginny, who were standing in the shade of a large oak tree. Harry was pacing backwards and forwards.

''Harry, just stand still...'' Ginny said as he went to turn around again.

''Do you remember the plan?'' Jamie said lazily and they all nodded.

''We stay hidden until Alicia says'' Ron said slowly.

''Harry, Ron and Hermione go to help you and Alicia while I go to Hagrid's for help'' Ginny said, twisting a lock of hair in her fingers.

''It's the same stunt he pulled in first year...'' Harry said suddenly and they all looked at them apart from Alicia. ''We turn up for the fight, he tells a teacher and we run so that we don't get caught... He's stitched you two right up'' Harry added, looking at Jamie.

''It's not...'' Alicia said quietly and they all stared at her. She'd been quiet for a while now. ''No one's been stitched up... He want's this fight- because he want's me... He thinks that if he wins I'll change my mind... Get under the cloak, he's coming'' She said, turning round and staring through the trees.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny huddled close together as Jamie threw the cloak over them, before returning to leaning against the tree.

''You're late...'' Jamie said calmly as Alicia's hair turned a dark brown and Malfoy stepped into the moonlight.

''I'm surprised you let Starlight turn up...'' Malfoy sneered and Jamie shrugged. Malfoy threw Alicia's wand towards her and she caught it.

''Even if she did tell me not to come, I would of...'' Jamie said, watching as Alicia glared at the Slytherin. ''Not alone, are we?'' Before Malfoy could speak, Alicia laughed coldly.

''Don't be silly... He needed a gang of Slytherin to attack me when I had no wand... Crabbe and Goyle are behind the tree...'' She said and Malfoy stepped forwards, the two thugs appearing behind him.

''Not just a pretty face, then...'' Malfoy said as he drew closer to her.

''And look what you did to it...'' She said quietly. Harry and Ginny swapped looks from under the cramped cloak.

''I am sorry about that...'' Malfoy said softly, reaching out and touching the bruised side of Alicia's face. Jamie stood up straighter as she flinched slightly.

''You should be...'' She whispered, closing her eyes.

''I'd walk away if I were you...'' Jamie threatened and Malfoy took a step backwards. Alicia opened her now startling red eyes.

''What plan?'' She spat, crossing her arms. The moonlight made the bruises there look worse. Malfoy smirked.

''Me and your blood traitor-'' He said, motioning to Jamie with his chin. Jamie stiffened. ''Will fight this out while you stand there and look pretty... Don't worry, Crabbe and Goyle will make sure you stay there...''

''Over my dead body!'' She snarled, drawing her wand. ''Harry! Ron! Hermione!'' She shouted and the three teenagers slipped out from under the cloak, leaving Ginny still hidden underneath.

As the duelling started, Ginny ran.


''Hagrid! Open the door!''

''Ginny? What are yeh doin' outside this late?'' Hagrid asked, openeing the door of his hut to find Ginny backing towards the forest.

''Alicia sent me! She's in the forest, duelling! We need to stop it!'' She said as Hagrid grabbed a lantern. ''She's going to kill them! Hurry up!''

''She's gonna kill who?'' Hagrid said walking behind Ginny as she ran ahead of him.

''Malfoy! She'll kill him! He attacked her at the ball!'' Ginny said, now trying to keep up with the gamekeeper.


''LET ME GO!'' Alicia shouted as Crabbe's arm tightened round her chest, pinning her arms to her sides. Harry and Hermione were keeping Malfoy busy while Jamie tried to get Goyle off of him. Ron was out cold in a corner.

''PROJECTO!'' Malfoy screamed, reflecting a jinx from Harry towards Hermione. Harry ducked as a streak of light flew low over his head.

''OW!'' Alicia shouted as something cracked. She went to kick out but Crabbe dropped her and she hit the floor, her leg making a snaping sound as she landed. ''OW!'' Crabbe laughed as he kicked her broken leg and she screamed.

''Hermione, can you ditch Malfoy and help- Argh! :arg:'' Jamie said, stopping his sentence as Goyles fist made contact with his nose.

''Petrificus Totalus!'' Alicia screamed, pointing her wand towards Goyle, who became as stiff as a board. Jamie pushed him off of him and got to his feet.

''Alicia! You okay?'' He said, ducking as Malfoy shot a curse at him, which hit Hermione in the chest, making her fly backwards.

''Perfect! We're having tea- WHAT DO YOU THINK!'' She said, twisting round as Crabbe went to kick her again. ''Petrificus Totalus!'' She screamed as the frozen Crabbe fell onto her leg.

''I HEAR FOOTSTEPS!'' Harry shouted, relief flowing through him. Malfoy blocked the last jinx, turned and darted into the trees.

''STUPEFY!'' Alicia shouted and they saw the red beam illuminate the trees before hitting Malfoy square in the back of the head.

''Are yeh all alrigh'?'' Hagrid said, skidding to halt as he burst through the trees with Ginny right behind him, red in the face.

''We'll be fine... Alicia's leg's broken though...'' Hermione said, helping Harry roll Crabbe off Alicia's leg. She winced but kept quiet.

''Ennervate...'' Alicia mumbled, waving her wand in Ron's direction. Ginny ducked as the green beam flew towards her. ''Opps, sorry Ginny'' Alicia said as Ron started to stir.

''When Ginny said yeh'd been attacked, I didn' expect this much damage... Yeh look a righ' mess, Alicia'' Hagrid said, picking her up and putting her on her feet. Ginny and Hermione held her steady.

''Gee, thanks Hagrid...'' Alicia said, rolling her eyes. Jamie tried to smile but the broken nose Goyle as given him made it difficult.


Sorted... XD

Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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