Hello Harita, What a wonderful post. I surely do love this story. I have a question.
The month of January passed by and so did the Easter holidays at Hogwarts and the students once again got themselves busy in their academics and sports and enjoying the cool end of the winter season…
It was the beginning of the second month that Ginny got a letter from Harry which made her very excited.
Is Easter celebrated a different time over there? Here in the states Easter is celebrated in March, sometimes April. But at any rate, I can't wait till Valentines day, and Roger better not show up and try to spoil things with Sara and Shaun.
“Troubling a fellow student” she whispered back dangerously.
I don't think she's whispering so nobody hears her, sometimes those whispers are the most venemous kind. And Ginny delivered it well.
Sara found the place for a meeting very weird and she had a hunch of something odd happening but she didn’t dare to ask.
I wonder what this is about.

Great post Harita, I'll be watching for your next post. Hope it's soon!