Hello Everyone! It's Jess or Jessica, or even give me a funny nickname.
Anyways here's another, more interesting chapter of Vanessa Campbell's life.
I hope you like it! 
Disclamer: I do not own any of this except for Vanessa Campbell and LilaDelilah.
{List Of Entries} Entry #1;;Entry #2;;Entry #3;;Entry #4;;Entry #5;;Entry #6;;Entry #7;;Entry #8;;Entry #9;;Entry #10;;Entry #11;;Entry #12;;Entry #13;; Dear Diary LilaDelilah,
I still have no idea what to call you. Seeming as my mum got me you to write down my personal feelings and such, I feel as if you should have a name. I'm terrible at nicknames, just ask Olivia. I'll tell you about her later. For now I need to give you a nickname...hmm..how about purple fluffy book? See it's a horrible nickname. Let me try once more...how about..LilaDelilah? I actually quite like that nickname...anyways I need to catch you up on somethings, LilaDelilah.
So a few days ago I was at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, minding my own business while eating my Chocolate Ice Cream. Who doesn't love Chocolate Ice Cream? Oh wait I do know I few people who like Chocolate Ice Cream...scratch that. Anyways I was paying attention to the Chocolate Ice Cream savoring the deliciousness of it and of course I bump into someone. Who knew that someone could be Mr. Patrick Dubois? We had a very interesting conversation, which led to having Patrick and I go back to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and playing a really fun game. I really wish they had a name for this game, but the idea of it was Patrick had gotten four different kinds of Ice Cream, I had to try each one and guess what flavor it was. The flavors he had me taste were..Barbequed Sausage, Butterbeer, Tomato Soup and .....Jalapeno Pepper, spicy!! It was so much fun!
The next day I was back in Diagon Alley walking around looking in shop windows too see if I needed anything else for Hogwarts. I was all set of course, I know me organized and ready? That could never happen, but it seemed like today was my day. This doesn't mean how the other day with Patrick affected me or something. No, stop saying such a thing LilaDelilah...pshh...pshh....okay maybe. Anyways, I was walking in Diagon Alley and suddenly I was shoved out of the way by a girl with pink hair. I know, PINK hair! Did I mention a nose ring? Well, apparently her name is Olivia George and she's a 5th Year Slytherin. Who knew me, Vanessa Campbell, could be such great friends with a girl who has PINK hair...and a nose ring? Well I guess this year is changing for me and I love it so far. Did I also mention that there was a beautiful ruby necklace in the window of a shop? It was fabulous! Okay so back to this day, I was talking to Olivia being friendly and all, like I usually do when Patrick showed up! Eeeekkk!!! I was super excited! However I tried to play it cool, I don't want him to run away if I ran up and hugged him, holding tightly, probably killing him....erm..never mind, forget I told you that. It's not like that ever happened okay? Don't judge LilaDelilah, it's not nice.....
Love You LilaDelilah!
[X]Check Horoscope
Horoscope of the Week:
Gemini May 21 - June 20; Vanessa's Birthday June 11
This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the ordinary that is fun. You meet interesting new people and are more open to people who are quite different from yourself.
[X]Hang Out With Olivia
More Time With Patrick
[X]Sing A Duet With Patrick
[X]Buy More Purple Objects
[X]Get Some Sugar Quills