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Hesitantly opening the door until it was wide enough, she steped into the office. She let her bright eyes glid over the objects in the room and search for the dog, taking note of a few familiarities before she finally turned them to the new professor. She gave the woman an easy smile. "Hello professor..." Her hand still on the doorknob, she swung the door wider to reread the name. "Carlton!" Arya gave the knob a turn before finally closing the door.
Still glancing around the office, she strode over to the desk and finally took a seat, picking up the swing of her feet. Arya removed her pygmy puff from her shoulder and held him in her hands, stroking him gently. Though she was still looking for the dog a few items in particular had held her eye, like the Statue of Liberty and framed portrait of Times Square. So she was from America, or alteast she had visited, they had something in common. Turning her eyes from the distractions, she looked back to the professor and spoke again. "I'm Arya Lovegoods, second year Hufflepuff." Now that her introductions were out of the way, "Did I hear a dog?"
As she watched and waited for whoever it was on the other side of the door to come into the office, Lexi sat back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she did so. A moment later, the door opened all the way, and a young girl made her way in. She laughed lightly as the girl took a wild guess at remembering her name.
"You're good," she told her, referring to how she got the name correct on the first try.
"If only I could remember names and faces that well. Then again, there's sixteen or so of us and hundreds of you." It was probably a lot easier to remember the names of the sixteen professors than it was to remember all the students.
Prince Charming wasn't quite as welcoming as his owner was, though. The little Chihuahua had retreated under Lexi's chair just as soon as the door had cracked an inch or two. The professor peered down at the little dog and nudged him with the side of her heel.
"You did hear a dog, Miss Lovegoods. You heard Prince Charming, my little Chihuahua. He's...just under my chair," she said.
"Maybe if you call to him, he'll come out." She opened a drawer to her desk and pulled out a bone-shaped dog biscuit. She slid ittowards Arya, inviting her to offer it to Prince Charming.
"Don't worry, he doesn't bite. He's a tiny little thing, too."