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It deserved what it got- choosing that of me'' Jamie's fist clenched as Malfoy walked past him and into the castle. Jamie started to walk through the bushes when he stumbled into Harry and Ron.
Oh dear, this isn't good at all.
He's gone to try and find out if McGonagall can get my wand off of Malfoy... Don't ask'' Alicia said as Ginny's eyes widened.
So, why isn't McGonagall doing anything? Or did he just not go find McGonagall?
We'll see how much you mean that last statement... You and your blood tratior-'' Jamie stiffened as Malfoy motioned to him with his chin. "Meet me in the forest tonight and we'll see who's that forgiving'' He spat before putting the wand back in his pocket and disappearing into the crowd.
Oh, this isn't going to be pretty. I really hope they give Malfoy what he deserves.
That's it... Remember that I need your ideas... And Emily, I hope you like it! Hurry up and think of something! ANYTHING!
Like it? I loved it! It's really well written and I love the story line! Great post! I'll try to come up with something...like now... PLEASE PAMS whenever you have ideas