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''Why won't you answer the question?'' She snarled and he laughed again.
I don't see why it matters, Malfoy... It's over and I didn't choose you!'' She spat and he advanced towards her. She backed herself into the side of the fountain.
I'm warning you Malfoy, back off or I'll make you legs match'' She threatened, nodding towards the leg that tightly bound.
Accio wand'' He said lazily and her wand flew towards him. He caught it and placed it in him pocket.
Alicia? You out here?'' Ginny's voice called from somwhere nearby.
Yeah, I'll be back in soon...'' She called and Malfoy grinned. ''
Give me my wand, Malfoy'' She said, worry rearing up in her stomach. The anger that was pulsing through her wasn't enough to drown out the panic of being wandless surrounded by several Slytherins.
No, I don't think so... You won't be needing it'' He laughed as the group round her advanced again.
Ginny, you seen Alicia?'' Jamie said, catching the redheads arm as she passed him.
Um, she's outside somewhere... She said was coming back in later...'' She said shrugging. Jamie walked down the stairs and into the rose garden. The sound of tinkling water met his ears and then the sound of laughter from an approaching group made him stop and listen.
It deserved what it got- choosing that of me'' Jamie's fist clenched as Malfoy walked past him and into the castle. Jamie started to walk through the bushes when he stumbled into Harry and Ron.
Alright? You seen Alicia? She came out here when you started arguing with Hermione...'' He asked, looking at Ron. They shook their heads and Jamie carried on walking.
Alicia?'' He called as he reached the fountain.
Over here...'' He turned and stared at her.
I'll kill him... I really will kill him'' He said, rushing forwards to help her to her feet.
Please don't... Just leave it... It's just a couple of bruises! Just let it go'' She pleaded as she let him lead her towards the castle.
Well, next time there's a ball, ask me first and not as a last resort!'' Hermione shouted as Jamie and Alicia climbed through the portrait hole.
OI!'' Alicia shouted as Jamie lowered her into a chair. ''
Can you just shut up! Seriously, you two are getting on my nerves! First it's over a sodding rat, then it's over the tournament and now it's over something petty! GROW UP!'' She shouted at them. Then the fighting started.
Ginny came down then next morning to find Harry in one corner, Ron in another, Hermione in the corner by the window and Alicia by the fire.
What happened?'' She asked, walking towards Harry.
We all had an argument yesterday...'' He said, watching her look around the others.
Over?'' She said and Harry shrugged. ''
Really? You don't know why you argued?'' Harry shook his head and Ginny left to talk to Ron.
I'm guessing you confronted Hermione about going with Krum?'' She said and he nodded.
She didn't take it too well'' He said and she nodded.
I guessed... And why were you arguing with the others?'' He shrugged and she made her way to Hermione.
Well?'' She said, sitting down and Hermione stared at her.
Well what?''
Don't act stupid, Hermione... Why were you arguing?'' She said and once again, the only answer she got was a shrug. She sighed and went to talk to Alicia.
Hi, Ginny... Before you ask, we argued because I told Hermione and Ron to grow up and it just kicked off after that and the bruises on my face are from yesterday when Malfoy cornered me with a group of his friends and attacked me...'' She said, not looking up from the essay she was working on.
Right... And what was the kicking off bit?'' Ginny said, sitting down and watching Alicia's hand move across the page.
I sort of started it off by saying that Ron and Hermione fight over petty things and then things got out of hand... Harry brought up the Malfoy thing and Jamie started saying that it was none of his busniess what happens between him, Malfoy and me... Ron and Hermione were shouting about something stupid and then we just stopped and walked away from each other'' She said calmly, rubbing her arm and wincing as she caught a rather large bruise.
Alright then... So, Harry and Ron are talking still?'' Ginny said, glancing at the other three.
That I know of... Harry's still talking to Ron and Hermione but they're not talking to each other... None of them are talking to me or Jamie...'' She said, shrugging and looking up at Ginny. Her face was covered in cuts and half of her face seemed to be a bruise.
Talking about Jamie, where is he? He's the only one I haven't questioned'' Ginny said, looking round the room.
He's gone to try and find out if McGonagall can get my wand off of Malfoy... Don't ask'' Alicia said as Ginny's eyes widened.
Oka then... Maybe you should be there with him... In case he finds Malfoy...'' Ginny said and Alicia nodded.
I didn't think of that actually... I'll see you later'' She stood up and walked out of the common room, throwing looks at the others as she went.
Just give it back, Malfoy!'' Jamie said as he followed the Slytherin through the corridors.
Don't know what you're talking about'' Malfoy laughed as he turned round to face him, Alicia's wand in his hands.
JAMIE!'' Alicia slid down the banister and landed just behind him. ''
I said leave it! I'll sort it out!'' She said quickly, pulling him round to look at her.
Fine... Go on then'' He said, glaring at Malfoy over her head. She turned to look at him.
You had your moment of glory, now give me my wand back'' She said calmly and he twisted it in his fingers.
Make me...'' he laughed and Jamie's fist balled up.
Don't tempt me'' He snapped and Malfoy laughed again.
Calm down!'' Alicia said, putting a hand on his arm. ''
But he has got a point though, Malfoy... Don't tempt me... I owe you and your friends a few things'' She said, pointing to her face.
I feel slightly sorry about that, you know... It slightly ruins your pertty looks'' Alicia snarled at him for half a second before changing tactics. ''
Draco, please just give me my wand...'' She said softly. Both Jamie and Malfoy stared at her.
Using first names now?'' Malfoy sneered as Jamie threw Alicia a confused look.
Yes... Draco, I'm sorry for whatever I've done to upset you... I'm sure you know that I didn't mean it'' She said, stepping forwards.
We'll see how much you mean that last statement... You and your blood tratior-'' Jamie stiffened as Malfoy motioned to him with his chin. ''
Meet me in the forest tonight and we'll see who's that forgiving'' He spat before putting the wand back in his pocket and disappearing into the crowd.
That's it?'' Jamie said as Alicia turned round, her face set.
You heard him... Meet me in the common room tonight and we'll go down to the forest'' She said, walking away from him.
This feels like punishment for fighting with the others...'' Jamie said and Alicia shrugged.
I'm going to aplogise... We need them for this... He's not going to be alone and we could use the cloak'' She said and he agreed.
That's it... Remember that I need your ideas... And Emily, I hope you like it! Hurry up and think of something! ANYTHING!
Abi... xox