Originally Posted by
SOON ISN"T SOON ENOUGH MISSY! Oops I mean, Hello Emily, What a great post!
Bahahaha, why hello Connie

That was brilliant about the letter to Remus from Ginny, and him getting the guitar and shrinking it to take over to the Weasleys. Brilliant.
Thanks, I thought it was a pretty clever idea
Great post Emily, and I know you'll post very soon, right? You don't really want to leave us dangling at all.

I'll be watching for your next post.
Thanks, Connie

I don't know... Maybe I
should make you wait...
Oh, I was wondering will we find out what Emily's problem is about her not wanting to play the guitar?
Oh, yes

I'm not that cruel. It will be in the next post and later on in the story.