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Jenn couldn't figure how any story could be short, but before she could say anything else, he started telling his...short story.
She listened, and at the end, she could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, even though she really had no idea why to be precise. Maybe it was the fact he had told his parents, Deliliah, and Deliliah's parents, that he loved Jenn...her. In a way, it horrified her, yet in another way it made her feel, satisfied. Yeah, horrifingly satisfied.
Finally, her mouth and brain started functioning again, and she turned to look at Kel, who, to her surprise, was also blushing. "Well, that was, hmm, sweet of you to say that." she said, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. "You should of told them my parents are well to do as well, maybe they wouldn't have grouned you." she teased, nudging him playfully in the side. "I thank you, Sir Keltan, for telling me of your lovely adventure at home. Now that, that, quest is out of the way, what say you that we talk about more, cheerful subjects of not groundation."
Not knowing what to say, Kel just shrugged a shoulder in reply to her saying he was sweet. One corner of his mouth twitched up into a smile when she kissed him, and he got a bit more relaxed.
"I didn't think it was the best time to tell them why you're a much more logical choice for me than Deliliah." he looked down as he said this, practically mumbling.
"It was chaos. My father was yelling, my mother was appalled, Deliliah was bawling - I seriously don't know what's wrong with that girl." Immediately after he said this, Kel felt bad. He didn't talk bad about girls; it wasn't gentlemanly. But, some times, he just couldn't keep it in his head.
"I mean, I know she hated me. But she cried so much..." he shook his head. New subject.
"Anyway. You excited for our sixth year?" he asked, his voice more cheerful now.
"I know I am. I mean, we're both almost seventeen!" How cool was it that Jenn's birthday was the day after Kel's? Very cool indeed.
"Next year's our last year, huh? Time goes by so fast." Okay, yeah. He knew he was blabbering. But it was because he needed to get his mind off of the subject they'd just been talking about, and talking about him and Jenn was sure to do just that.