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"hahaaa that's one way of putting it!" magnolia laughed, thinking of how much drama happened in Diagon Alley. "We must be nearly there" she said peering out the window at the dark surroundings.
"Must be." Ainra agreed. She could just barely make out the dark mountains in the distance. "I can't wait for the feast!" She smiled. Ainra loved to eat. She was lucky because she didn't generally put on weight because she was so active. She had done a lot of sports back at muggle school. "I think I'm most excited to learn to fly and watch the quidditch matches." Ainra said. "Hopefully I'll be good at it and be able to be on the team next year." From what she had heard if you wanted to do sports quidditch was the only way to go, and Ainra certainly wanted to do sports. Writing, reading, and sports had always been her tree passions... and thinking, but she didn't know if that really counted.