Back To Hogwarts… “Alright then come on, lets get going” called out Harry as he got up from the table at the Burrow three days later.
The girls were to leave for Hogwarts today. The girls went and hugged Molly and talked to her for sometime. Ron shook his head “mum, they aren’t leaving you and going forever. Before you know they will be back by the end of the term” he said
Molly nodded and let go off Sara.
The four of them got into a car and then after about 45 minutes they reached the station.
As they reached the barrier between platform number 9 and 10 they saw Shaun there “There you are mate, thought you had your day at training early” Ron said and thumped his back “well, my day will start within say about an hour from now”, he said “So lets get going?” he asked and Harry nodded and he and Ginny walked ahead then Hermione and Ron walked in together and then Sara stepped behind them and pushed her trolley through the barrier and soon after her Shaun appeared slightly dazed. She couldn’t help but smile a bit. She looked up and saw the red engine standing there right in front of them blowing its steam in the air adding to the noise of already noisy 9 three fourth platform.
Sara stole a glance at Shaun. They hadn’t yet talked from the last time when he left her at the cemetery. Shaun looked back at her and gave her a small smile as he remembered their own school train which was in deep blue color with the school’s emblem engraved on the front and name inscribed on it above the emblem.
Sara smiled back as she revisited her memories.
They moved ahead and walked near the train. Sara moved away from Shaun and walked towards the train door and waited for Ginny to clear the way after she was done picking up her luggage. As she was picking up her bag and placing it on the footboard Shaun moved ahead to help her but Ron was just there to give her a hand. Shaun stood back. This wasn’t missed by Hermione.
As the girls came back from placing their luggage’s in their compartment they chatted up with Ron, Hermione and Harry while Shaun stood far away silently. As it was almost time for them to leave Sara looked at Shaun who had been quiet all this while, she walked towards him. He looked up at her. She just watched him and didn’t know what to say. It had never been so odd between both of them, but somehow things were becoming really odd now. Shaun decided to speak for the first time. “um…well…I guess its your time to leave now?”
And she nodded “take care of yourself” he said. She looked at him and nodded “enjoy your final term, don’t work too hard that you end up in hospital wing” he said and she looked at him surprised and then he looked at her and spoke “I haven’t forgotten our 5th year Sara” he said and gave a small smile and she smiled back, blushing a bit. “don’t worry I wont end myself up in Hospital Wing” she said “good…and keep in touch” he said looking into her eyes and she mutely nodded “I will”
He nodded. The train blew its steam and she looked back as she saw Ginny hugging her brother.
She turned back, her eyes were slightly panicky as if she would either miss her train or the other way round as if she would be forced to leave Shaun in few minutes…Shaun didn’t realize what was wrong with Sara. He narrowed his eyes a bit but then continued “um…Sara”
“yes” “about that day…I…I am sorry…I am sorry that I behaved with you like that and left you on both the times” he said and Sara sighed and shook her head “no, its alright Shaun, its alright. When I left you people for so long I guess you guys have the right to” she spoke but she stopped looking at Shaun’s reactions. His eyes went wide and he shook his head “No, don’t say that. You left us for a reason Sara don’t say that. You saying this sounds as if you made a mistake” he said “yes it was a mistake. I shouldn’t have left. I should have let Rahul be on his own and then maybe he would have come back” she said her voice soft barely audible over the noise on the platform. Shaun stepped a bit closer and placed his hand on her shoulder. Sara looked up at her best friend. “Listen Sara, if it hadn’t been for you I would have gone after Rahul. You don’t know how much I cursed myself to let you go in the middle of the war all alone to look for a werewolf” he spoke Sara began to speak but he didn’t allow her to shook his head and she fell silent. “you didn’t make any mistake and this was where you were to be standing, this was where I would have been standing with you, here. Its destiny” he said softly “but Rahul…” she began
He cut her again “and I know Rahul is alive” and she sighed “you are” she got cut again “I am not in denial” he said “but that doesn’t mean that I have to behave badly with you because you believe otherwise”
“you didn’t” “yes I did, and I am very sorry for that” he said “Sara!” Hermione called out from the crowd. Sara turned back to see Hermione “come on lets get going, we don’t want you to miss your train” Shaun said and grabbed her hand gently and led her through the crowd.
Ginny was just saying a um…long good bye to Harry and Ron was swearing.
Shaun raised his eyebrow and Sara giggled and then blushed for the first time looking at Ginny and Harry together.
After Ginny and Harry drew back Ginny told Hermione “Hermione will you pay back on my behalf to him?” she asked and Hermione blushed and nodded “Sorry?” Ron asked “You see Ronald, I don’t have time for a bat bogey hex for all the swearing you did so I think Hermione can take care of that” she said and Ron went red. They all laughed.
Sara hugged Hermione and she said “I bet you wont be using Bat Bogey Hex, will you now Mione?” she asked and Hermione went red again and gave a slight shake of her head for a ‘no’. Sara smiled and then hugged Harry and Ron and Ron whispered as she hugged him “do let me know whether you have a detention from the head boy or not” and she nodded. Shaun who was standing close to them heard it. As she went to hug him Shaun asked “now, have you gotten yourself into detention, Miss Mehra?” he asked his voice light and in teasing tone and Sara smiled as she drew back “um…don’t know, but did something which might lead me to one” she said
Shaun turned serious again “careful” was all he said “I will be” she said smiling. She looked at him as if she wanted to tell him something more and he noticed it. “you want to say something?” he asked and then there was another blow from the train. She shook her head “nothing,” she said and stepped few more steps back towards the train “just that…bye…take care” she said and hopping on to the train somehow feeling happy and smiling widely. Something had just changed in those last few seconds which she couldn’t figure out but she was feeling all happy nonetheless. She waved to the other three “see you at the end of the term” she called out over the noise and just then the train began to move and Ginny and Sara stood there at the footboard waving back to their friends as they left for Hogwarts yet again...maybe the last time as students…
Have A Nice Day...:-)
Last edited by harita; 05-01-2010 at 07:22 PM.