...hilarious post Maixe...i mean Draco will never change will he...
“Woman,” his tones were dead-calm. "I know you want a piece of me, but this really isn't the place."
this one made me laugh out loud...seriously...he can get into such a conceited behaviour even when someone's trying to attack him
‘Real fancy, lady. You certainly don't seem to treat me like your 'child.' That said, maybe you could explain why you grab me for a snog every chance you get? I would not say that I am not exceedingly handsome, but it is rather unsettling to know that the Creatures of the Underworld are attracted to me, or -”
oh my god!!!this mini-veela and his over obsessiveness with his deadly handsome looks...

...awesome post...it was hilarious and yet gave the creepy effect...
waiting for more....
and Maxie...
Differential Equations?
Oh literally...you love maths so much!!!...
Reading the title name in PM...made me laugh as i remembered my 11 and 12th grade maths...thank god i am done with them...Integration Topic was the worst as far as i know...
Autmn's Frosted Kiss
you changed it...hmmm...nice title...