Originally Posted by
I've never been fond of Draco...
Wh...what??? You...you don't like Draco?

haha, jk. I think we've actually had this conversation before... THat's okay, more for me

I like him when he's nice.
Cody seems like a nice guy.
IS that what it seems like???

*strokes imaginary beard*
It could be that he is trying to change his ways, and really likes Emily.
hmmmmmm, I don't know... Well, actually I DO know, but you don't

I'm glad I don't have to be the one living this, and I'm glad I'm not the one writing this. I am glad it is you writing it for us to read and find out whatever you decide.
hahaha, thanks, I think
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next post.
Thanks, Connie

More soon