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Old 04-23-2010, 08:13 PM   #272 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Chloe returned Ronan's look and followed him in the room. Antigone, apparently, had been crying just as Chloe had. She shut the door softly behind her and walked over to Antigone's desk. She placed her essay onto the desk and then took a few steps back.

SPOILER!!: Chloe's Essay
I spent years of my life after Hogwarts feeling like nothing more than a waste of space because I let man after man use me. I was too sweet and nice to tell guys no. I lacked self-respect, and left my heart so open that men would just interpret my outgoing and kind personality as a girl who was easy to get with. Which, of course, I was.

I realized that I had to change and have more respect for myself while I was living in New York. I was with a man named Christian, who I wholeheartedly believed loved me. And then he cheated on me with multiple people, but I never did anything about it. We moved in together, and he became abusive, verbally and physically.

My best friend from New York, Tim, found me sitting in Central Park one night alone, covered in bruises, clothes ripped, and crying. He tried to convince me to come home with him, but I wouldn't, and I wouldn't go to the hospital because I was a witch and knew nothing about Muggle medicine. Tim was a wizard, a muggle-born, but I had no idea at the time, just as he had no idea I was a witch. So, Tim sat with me in the park all night. In the morning, he took me to breakfast, and after explaining that he lived with his parents and two younger sisters, I agreed to go home with him.

After two nights with Tim and his family, Christian called begging me for forgiveness, I went back to him, and he promised it would never happen again. A week later, he left her so beat up and abused that I couldn't walk. Tim came to check on me and found me. He took me back to his house. I didn't leave the room for weeks. My older brother came and stayed with them, too, and between him and Tim, they kept Christian away until he lost interest.

Slowly, I recovered and began getting involved in Chelsea and Lauren's lives. They were both Muggles, though they knew I was witch, and both very interested in theater. I had been involved in the theater world since I was a young girl, and soon I began teaching workshops at their Muggle school about acting. I loved working with kids. Every smile on their faces healed my heart a little more, made me want to be a little stronger for them, made me respect myself a little more, and most of all, it made me want to protect any of them from ever being hurt the way I had been. I knew the only way to do that was to teach them to respect themselves as they had taught me to love and respect myself. Eventually, Tim's parents asked me if I would be an honorary goddaughter to Chelsea and Lauren. I accepted without hesitation. Those two girls had become my world.

I continued to teach workshops once a week for two years, focusing on building children’s confidence and providing them with a place they felt safe and giving them a positive role model, someone they knew they could always come to. Eventually, though, I knew I’d have to come back home to England, so I applied for a job in the ministry, not expecting to make it into the Education department on my first try, but to my surprise, I did. I abruptly had to pack up my things and move back here, and though I had to leave my kids, especially my goddaughters, behind, I was excited to be in a position to reach the hearts of even more children.

The reason I want to remain here has nothing to do with needing a job or an income. My fiancé has assured me many times that he is more than capable of providing for me. The reason I want to remain here is to help build children up to be strong, confident, motivated, respectful individuals who love themselves and love other people around them. I want to protect those kids and make sure that nothing bad happens to them. I want to make sure that when they are out of school and off on their own, that they are capable of making good, healthy decisions for themselves. I want to make a difference. I want to change the world. I want to make those kids feel as astonishing as my students made me feel, and they cannot feel that without having adults watching out for the best interests and ensuring that they have a safe, loving, and productive environment in which to live and learn and grow.

When Ronan spoke, Chloe just stood by and nodded in agreement. "I made it through several sets of cabinets as well," she said quietly. And then they were addressing the fact that Antigone was crying, and Chloe had to bite her tongue as she started to tear up as well. She did not like seeing her friend so obviously upset. "Yes, do you need anything? I'll get whatever you want or need," Chloe said with a pleading look in her eyes. She just wanted to make things better.
It's the way you're smiling at me. It's in the way you hold my hand.
It's the way I've watched you change me from a boy into a man.

It's a million things about you, and I don't know what it is. I have never known a love like this.
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