Originally Posted by
It's okay. =]
LOL. I would consider this story a total!fail, if it wasn't more fun than, at least, the average homework. =pp
Nahh its not a total fail!
Haha && as for the 'average' homework...There's NOTHING average about my homework...just piled!!
I love describing dresses. xD
Muriel: I am ALWAYS nice. -eyes-
Ohhh me too, and a picture to go with it it also good. Butt without a picture its more fun to think of -nodss-
-eyes Murial- Really? *Sacractic*
*eyes you from under a pile of exams*
I think its normal for me to write that in every post
which is straight after the chapter
Sorry..Buttt-buttt GOOD LUCK!! With them -nodss-

I hope your's [s]and mine/s] go really well!