Thread: Harry Potter: Depart in Peace - Sa13+
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Old 04-21-2010, 11:15 PM   #44 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy View Post
"WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY!" They both jumped as Ginny's voice carried across the wide open glade. "YOUR NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT YOU-You've destroyed my life." Tears started to erupt from her eyes the couple noticed as they approached the house. Harry and Ginny were behind it talking, well more like arguing. "You've destroyed all my good memories that you've given me, even the ones that.. Just don't talk to me Harry. You've really done it this time. Leave me alone."
Uh oh, what happened this time between them?

"That still doesn't explain why you stole a guy, don't give me that look. You knew fully well that he was engaged to Hermione Granger. And you used a love potion. That's low, even for you Ane.. And trust me I know how low you can sink when you want to get your hands on someone."
"Well, you see, here I was falling desperately in love with a man who was already taken. And a love potion had antidotes, there are ways to avoid that also. So no, I didn't use that. Imperious curse was all I needed. Simple and easy, you would know that also, handsome." Draco face-palmed, if Ane kept up the 'handsome' stuff he'd blow.
What!!? Not cool! I can't believe he wasn't even dead or anything! Ooooh, she's evil, I don't like her! So, then how did Ron know about Harry and the whole bringing someone back from the dead thing? Or am I understanding this wrong and he really did die?
Peeking in to it, the male infant lay fast asleep with his auburn hair laying in his blue eyes which resembled a certain Ron Weasley's. "Sleep well, you may never see your mother again."
Oh, dear! He has a baby?! Does he even know about Riley?
*Disclaimer: The Call was recorded and performed by Regina Spektor
Heehee, this is one of my favorite songs
Fantastic chappie! I can't wait for more and the explanations! PLEASE PAMS!!!
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