Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships Hi Connie. Thank you for your comments.
Firstly, and this is fo all readers, please don not worry about hurting my feelings. All the comments you leave I take on board as constructive critisizim and that will help me in writing this fanfic and throughout life, in understanding others points of view.
Secondly, and Connie Dear, you will be pleased but Harry and Ginny are not about to do what I think your thinking, so first of all breathe. They do sneek about but, they have to learn that its wrong for them to do so themselves and I promise, they will eventually get found out. My mum would say the same. It may also please you to know that I am extreamly moral for a fourteen year old, (Katie will confirm that for you) so I wouldn't worry about the characters too much. They're in safe hands. Thanks for the wonderfull comments, and keep reading! Soph x p.s. Connie you really made my day when you said I'm a talented young writer. So thanks
Last edited by Morag; 04-22-2010 at 03:20 PM.