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Old 04-18-2009, 05:32 PM   #1 (permalink)

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Default Hufflepuff House Table
Technically technical all the time Bookaholic

Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well.

Loving and sweet, loyal and true
Anything you ask us we will do.
When it's down to the wire,
We'll be there for you.

But we Huffies aren't all as dumb
Like we were made out to be
We're strong, smart, we're tough
Don't think that all we do is watch and see.

Our bravery can match the Gryffindors'
Our brains as quick as Ravenclaws'
We have our cunning moments like the Slyths
We're loyalty plus all of this.

So don't look down on us
It may be the last thing you do.
We may be sweet
But, we're vicious too.

~by Nabiya~

Blast from the past!
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