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Old 04-18-2010, 05:19 PM   #136 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Not the beach
Posts: 7,087
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Alrighty, new post time

The next couple of weeks were basically routine. Emily was more and more anxious of her “date” with Cody. The last Hogsmeade trip before the holidays was the last weekend of term. December dashed by, and with it, came snow. December was one of Emily’s favorite months. She loved snow and Christmas.

It was the Saturday of the Hogsmeade trip, and Emily huffed at her reflection.

“Something wrong, Ems?” Ginny asked. Ginny was sitting on Emily’s bed, putting on some boots. Hermione peered at her over a shopping list she had made.

“I don’t know what to wear,” Emily huffed again.

Ginny giggled and Hermione snickered. “You don’t usually care what you wear. Why is this time so different?” she asked with a grin.

Emily rolled her eyes at her as her cheeks flushed. “Because I have a date,” Emily said. Looking down at her shirt, she decided it looked hideous on her. She peeked at Ginny to see how she would take this. Emily and Ginny had been getting along lately, ever since Fred talked some sense into her. She didn’t want to ruin that over a date with Cody.

Ginny laughed lightly. She walked over to Emily’s wardrobe and started rummaging around. She said, “Ah,” and then stepped back, bringing a bright purple mini dress out of the closet.

Emily shook her head and Ginny formed a frown. “It’s December, Gin. I’ll freeze,” she said with a sigh.

“Oh, right. But, can’t you wear some of your jeans with it, like you do sometimes?” Ginny asked.

Emily’s eyes brightened, wondering why she didn’t think of that in the first place. “You are brilliant, Ginerva Molly Weasley!” Ginny grinned and blushed.

“Er, thanks, Ems. I got the idea from you like two weeks ago though. You did it with your yellow dress and blue skinny jeans.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot all about that outfit,”
Emily said. Emily took the dress from Ginny and fished out some teal skinny jeans. They were two of her favorite colors. After changing and fixing her hair, Emily pulled on some purple ballet flats and made her way down the stairs, grabbing her purse on the way.

Cody was standing by the fireplace, glancing at the flames.

“Hey, Ems!” he heard Fred say.

“Hey, guys!” she said back.

Cody turned and his breath caught. He was speechless as she gracefully walked down the stairs. She smiled at him and he hoped he returned it.

“Hey,” he said. His cheeks flushed.

“Hi,” she replied, grinning at him.

“ look great,” he told her.

“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.” They grinned at their inside joke, breaking the slight awkwardness.

“So, you ready to go, then?” he asked. She nodded and the two headed down to the Entrance Hall. It was snowing outside and Emily sighed.

“Aren’t you going to be cold?” Cody asked, eyeing her short sleeves. “You don’t even have a jacket.”

Emily shook her head. “I guess you could say I have a second fur,” she grinned. It was true though. Ever since she became an animagi, she never got cold anymore. “I love the cold and the snow,” she said, looking up at him.

He just shook his head in disbelief. He had on sweater and a hoody, not to mention the scarf, gloves, and toboggan. He was still cold.

Emily and Cody wandered all over the village. They visited Honeydukes, where Emily bought a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, a few Fizzing Whizbees, a pack of Droobles Best Blowing Gum, and some sugar-spun quills.

“I never knew you had such a sweet tooth,” Cody had said when she bought it all.

“I don’t, really. But I usually put a lot of sweets in Remus’s stocking,” she explained.

They ventured off to Zonko’s Joke Shop and Emily bought a few things that she thought Fred, Lee, and even George might like for Christmas, though she didn’t tell Cody that some of it was for George. They visited Flourish and Blotts and Emily bought a book on charms and curses for Hermione. At Quality Quidditch Supplies, Emily bought Harry a miniature Quidditch set and a life size snitch. She bought Ron a Chudley Cannons jersey and matching scarf.

All she had left to buy for was Cody and Ginny. She bought Ginny a blue friendship bracelet that she had the twin to and made a mental note to buy her a pair of ballet flats back in the muggle world since she had always liked Emily’s. And then there was Cody, who she couldn’t really shop for because he was with her. But she still had no idea what to get him. He bought a few things for his parents and his little sister, Jemma.

After their shopping spree, Emily decided to put Cody out of his misery and settle down in the Three Broomsticks for warmth. They carried all of their bags, Cody taking a few of Emily’s, and settled down in the far corner, near the back of the pub. She glanced around and noticed how full the entire place was. They were lucky to have snagged the last table. Emily heard the bell jingle on the door and saw four heads bob in, two of them being red.

Fred, George, Lee, and Angelina stood in the doorway, looking for a place to sit. Emily suddenly noticed that the table Cody and her had sat at was rather large for just two people. Fred scanned the pub, his eyes stopping on her. He waved enthusiastically and she waved back. Cody turned to see whom she had waved at. He glanced back at her as the four started walking their way, and she gave him an apologetic smile.

“Hey guys, do you mind if we join you? The pub is full,” said Fred. Angelina was glaring at Emily and George looked incredibly uncomfortable.

“Sure,” said Emily and Cody at the same time. They looked at each other and started laughing. Cody scooted over beside Emily, and Fred took her other side. Lee sat beside Cody while George and Angelina sat directly in front of them.

Nobody said anything at first, but Fred broke the silence when he noticed Emily and Cody’s bags.

“Did you buy enough stuff?” he joked, grinning at Emily.

“How do you know it’s all mine?” she asked back, glancing at Cody.

“No way you are blaming them on me. I have two bags, the other seven are hers,” he chuckled, looking at Fred.

“You don’t have to try to convince me, man. I know Emily pretty well, and I know how much of a shopaholic she is.” Fred poked Emily in the ribs and they started laughing. George laughed lightly and then stopped. Angelina didn’t even break a smile.

“Do you want a Butterbeer?” Cody asked Emily. She nodded and he left the table.

“So, have you all finished your Christmas shopping?” Emily asked awkwardly.

“Almost,” said Fred happily, ignoring the weirdness around the table. She couldn’t help but feel more comfortable with him here.

“Who do you have left?” she asked him.

“George, Lee, and you,” he replied with a grin. “You don’t happen to have any preferences?” he asked.

“No hints,” she replied with a smirk.

“You’re too hard to shop for, Ems. Please, just one hint,” he begged.

“Nope,” she snickered.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to get Ginny to help me,” Fred replied with a frown.

“Don’t worry, Freddie. I know the perfect gift you could get Ems,” George spoke up. He grinned at her and she smiled back.

“You do? Fantastic,” replied Fred.

Emily blushed, but hoped no one had noticed, though she thought that Angelina’s glare had deepened tremendously. Awkward.

“Hey, you’re coming over for break, right? At least for a day.” Fred glanced at her.

“If you want me to and your Mum and Dad don’t mind, then of course I’ll come,” Emily smiled.

“Brilliant!” exclaimed Fred.

Cody returned with drinks for the two of them and Emily sipped it nervously.

“Did I miss anything?” Cody asked.

“Not much,” Emily said.

“Angelina, do you want a drink?” George asked.

“Yeah, how about a Butterbeer?” she replied.

“Alrighty, anyone else fancy a drink?” he asked the table at large. Fred and Lee both said yes to a Butterbeer, and George set off for the bar.

“I think I’ll go help him with those drinks,” said Fred after a few minutes and he left to help his twin.

“Hey, I’m going to go say hey to Katie,” said Lee. Emily grinned at him, knowing full well that he’s always had a crush on her. Lee gave Emily the ‘shut up or you die’ look and she stifled a giggle.

“Hey, I’m gonna go use the bathroom. Be back in a minute,” said Cody to Emily. “Will you be okay?” he lowered his voice. She nodded and he left too.

And then there were two—Angelina and Emily.

dun dun dun :evillaugh Let me know watchya think

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-08-2010 at 10:45 PM.
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