Thread: Love Games
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Old 04-18-2010, 01:23 PM   #735 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Finn-Stella Daniels
Third Year

Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 View Post
It stung, a lot. "Matt !"she cried, biting her lip.He probbably thought she was messing with him which she wasn't. It was her own fault she was in this situation. If she actually was nice to him they would probably still be kissing and probably dating but she wasn't. Amberly figured it was best to just spill everything."Matt, I'm sorry fo-..for everything I did. I really like you, a lot. I don't know how it happened but I do. Just please stay."she said in an unsteady voice.
He winced as she called his name, feeling the anger faulter slightly in his gutt. No! He couldn't stop now! He'd come this far! Backing down now would be totally and utterly stupid. And then she was gushing all this poppycock about her actually, properly, liking him. Lies. he told himself firmly, although he was beginning to doubt himself. He placed the book in his hand back into his back and slung it over his shoulder, before turning back round to face her. "I have to...I have to go and speak with Professor Linley." he said, frowing. "I'll-er-see you later, Amberly." He swallowed, moving his gaze from her tearstrewn face to the floor. He stood there for a moment, and for a second he thought he might actually change his mind, but instead, he made his way slowly and calmly from the classroom, and out of the door. Ouch.
*'Cause w h e n I close my eyes and d r i f t away,*
I think of y o u and e v e r y t h i n g s okay...

And maybe it's t r u e, That I can't live without y o u,

*Well maybe t w o is better than o n e*
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