SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant Aethonan
Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,910
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole Gryffindor Third Year | This post is dedicated to Connie likely my last reader ... thanx for everything Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert “On a midnight voyage/ one that has no ending and it’s sending me the things that I need/ far away from shore further than I’ve been before,/ but I feel the strength of the new seas” Midnight voyage by The mamas and the papas Teddy D. Bear was not accustomed to being followed, neither did he take kindly to it and he seriously contemplated ending the poor fool’s miserable existence on earth having realized that someone had the audacity to try to shadow him.
Still, something stayed his hand. He would not admit it to anyone, but he missed Ottery, and he missed Ottery telling him not to exaggerate and kill any one just because they annoyed him. Teddys sighed, took a cigar out of his jacket pocket and lit it as he walked.
He paused on a street corner. The situation merited some thought if he wasn’t going to go with his default action which was to pummel the problem until it gave him an answer, or a satisfactory sense resolution. Teddy hated thinking. He stared at the sky and thought, “Ottery you should kick yourself, you’re starting to stick on me.”
He knew it wouldn’t be the ministry, quite simply because he had contacts at the Ministry of Magic. The Death Eaters would not dare, because unlike Ottery he had no qualms about using unforgivables, Sebastian Shaw and he had nothing to do with one another so that was a less likely option, and Tiffany he had just come from seeing so it wasn’t her. Teddy did not know who could be following him, which piqued his curiosity.
There were two ways he could play this: 1) Teddy could disappear down some dark alley and aparate to a safe house, safely away from the culprit 2) Teddy could make like he disappeared and find out who was tailing him, then turn the tables on them by chasing them, 3) Teddy could disappear, find out through some third party who followed him, then proceed to maul them for doing it and if he could remember in the midst of his berserker rage he could torture them for the answers to the questions he knew he should be asking.
Three seemed like the best option so far.
Teddy walked down the street past happy couples, rowdy college kids, gentlemen, and tourists turning into a dark alley. The brown haired boy whispered a spell and melded into the shadows becoming one himself. It was dark magic and he knew that Ottery would not approve of him turning into a shade but it wasn’t as if he was kicking puppies or killing people, so whatever. Bleeding hearts stained shirts, as Teddy always said.
A grey haired figure, a boy from the look of him walked very silently into the alleyway. Teddy watched him for a few seconds, the boy moved with a feline grace, a fluidity of movement like something inhuman.
“Oh crap!” Teddy said aloud.
Angel had his wand out and pointing at the black smoke-like shadow that suddenly became Teddy D. Bear.
“Put that away before I shove it so far up your …”
“What the devil is your problem popping out on people like that? I could’ve hexed you.”
“I’m not afraid of bat bogeys little boy.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of an almighty wedgie and a stunning spell but I don’t feel like quibbling.”
“Kid you’ve got a serious death wish or you don’t have the sense God gave a mule if you think tailing me is a good idea,” Teddy threw back walking back into the street.
“As,” Angel whispered and followed after the acrid smell of burning cigar.
“I heard that!” Teddy exclaimed as he signaled for a muggle cab.
“I really don’t care!” Angel shot back. “Your ‘purported’ best friend gets arrested and here we are going on a week and you haven’t done a blanged thing. You haven’t even gone to visit him!”
Teddy turned on him blowing smoke in his face before replying in a deadly whisper, “In case you hadn’t noticed, the Ministry of Magic and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, genius. I set one foot there and I’ll be doing them all a favor by walking into a trap!”
“All I know is that you say you’re Ottery’s friend. So why don’t you start acting like it.”
Teddy had his wand in his hand, at the boy’s throat and Angel against the wall in seconds, “Who the hel-”
“I wouldn’t if I were you,” Angel replied, pushing the point of his wand into the boy’s chest.
“I don’t need a heart to function!” Teddy replied, “But I’m betting you need a throat to whisper your pretty little spells.”
“Look if you can’t walk into Azkaban then why don’t you work with me?” Teddy gave the boy an odd look. “You don’t have to walk in the front door for you to get in. And they don’t need to know you’re there. Help me get him out. We can free him. If you’re as swift with a wand as you are with your threats … we could put together a crew and get him out.”
Later that night at one of Teddy’s safe houses Angel and he were going over a list of possible candidates, acquaintances in the underworld, former allies, enemies, spies, cutthroats, pirates, thieves, any one who could be called on for a favor, paid to help or who would willingly help in Ottery’s escape and didn’t mind bending or just outright breaking the rules.
“If you bring in Madison then you automatically bring in Freddie,” Teddy explained. “I don’t like Freddie. A stick in the mud, rule follower, the last thing I need is someone on me about whether or not I said please or thank you during a torture session.”
“The reason you don’t like him is because he’s always keeping you from pawing Madison I bet.”
The brown haired boy shrugged and did not argue.
“There’s also Cerberus and Athena St. Wisdom. We could call in Mouse and …”
“I know all of Ottery’s old crews, and his nemeses. We don’t have time to go around globetrotting trying to put this team together. Five of us. We’ve already got two. It’s a simple in and out job, incursion/extraction.”
“Cracking Azkaban isn’t going to be easy,” Angel argued.
“More than five people to a crew and it gets cumbersome. We’re not hitting three casinos or something, this isn’t Ocean’s Eleven. We’re hitting one place. A prison. We’re going to need an inside man, the getaway driver, someone to handle distractions, the muscle is me, you’re the extra and I was hoping Ottery would be the brains once we picked him up.”
“Oh, you’re a love. I‘m the extra he says. I‘m not the one who came up with the whole idea, noooooooo, I‘m the extra.”
“Baggage,” Teddy added and proceeded with his sketching of the Azkaban blue prints. ♥
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