JayMay ♥ Big, yellow duckie <3 ^ 
Let's seeeeeeeeeee ------ It does!!! Quote:
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie Love the pic!!! VERY creative!! Quote:
Oooh! If I knew how to cast this spell, professor, I would definitely use it on Mrs. Nemo, also known as Torin Kane.
LMAO! Great start!  Quote:
In other words, every time he sits on Reeses Pieces – Prefect Upstead – I will waste no time in using this spell, to make him get off the poor, unhappy girl.
I love how she just randomly throws in the name 'Reeses Pieces' in there and then explains it.  Quote:
Not to mention, if he refuses to give me his Nemo plush toy again, I will MAKE him give it to me.
Awwwwwwww. XDD XD Quote:
I will also make him do all sorts of totally crazy dances in front of Brody Summers, if he refuses to talk sense, or ever teases me by calling me Mr. Nemo. Because that name is not acceptable!
Such a creative nickname.  Quote:
♥ Hug DyDy.
♥ Hug DyDy.
♥ Hug DyDy.
♥ Ditto.
Let me say I found this most amusing. 
__________________ Jessica's time on SS is now limited thanks to that big and BAD thing called real life |