JayMay ♥ Big, yellow duckie <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie Dear Littleredhead,
Cat ears.
On a human. Nice start!  Quote:
I ended up with a lovely set of kitty!ears. They were highly adorable, trust you me, but what freaked me out was that I had WHISKERS. White whiskers.
LOLOLOLZZ! Poor Gold she's so concerned about her looks anyway. She must have been freaked out.  Quote:
Not to mention, the rest of the class. There were students who wanted milk, or could be lured into coming up to you by the mention of chicken.
That is......... toooooo funny! Quote:
She kept trying to eat me, or something. Well, claw at me, at any rate.
God I'm going to die of laughter here!  Quote:
A suspicious coupon was found during a Care of Magical Creatues class, and some bloodied robes turned up during a Flying Lesson.

I no likeees thiiisss.
__________________ Jessica's time on SS is now limited thanks to that big and BAD thing called real life |