Originally Posted by
Emily, this is what I think. I think I love George! Ever sense the beginning of this FF, it seemed like George was special. I kept hoping you would make Emily fall for him. Then he started getting more open about his feelings. I was happy. We won't go into Emily rejecting him, and Cody coming into the picture, but, now, finally George got to talk to her, and he was soooooo sweet. I like seeing this caring and sensitive side of him that we don't get to see in the books. Next, I'm really glad she went and talked to Remus. Maybe between now and when you next post, you should have Dobby take her up something to eat. She should be to hungry to sleep. Then by the next time you post she'll have her energy back. Maybe another visit to Sirius's? I'll be watching for your next post.
Haha, I'll see what I can do about the food

And I agree, I love this side of George too, but just wait; you haven't seen anything yet
Originally Posted by
Great post !!!! I'm just going to say right now I'm team George hahah I can't wait for Emily and Remus to have the Sirius conversation

PAMS !!!!!!
Haha, me too, Kerri. Team George all the way

But I cannot be biased in this ff

, jk I'm totally biased

You might have to wait a while for the Sirius Conversation, I haven't figured out where it fits quite yet...
*More soon
EDIT: I went back and added something at the end to the last post...