I feel as though I am losing faith in my own story, and myself. Is that silly?
I wouldn't call it silly. I would say it is silly of you if you really believe it. I think self doubt comes about when you really like something a lot, in your case this story, and you start to worry if you're good enough to tell it as good as you have it in your head. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't go overboard and worry. Try to think of it as a built in emotion that makes us always do the best we can. And you must be, because your story is very good, and you deliver it very well. For example:
She checked everywhere but was not successful, so she decided to go out to the shed at the bottom of the garden. She knew that if George needed time alone then he would go to the shed. This shed was of significant importance, it was the Quidditch shed. Both Weasley twins were equally in love with the wizarding sport. All the Weasleys loved it, the whole family. The shed was home to a number of brooms, kits, uniforms and Fred's old broom. George cleaned and polished this broom monthly and made sure it was safe at all times.
I can see George in solitude, thinking of his brother, missing him, and wishing he was still there. The image is so clear because you made it for us. None of that was in any of the books or movies. So, just do your best always. We all appreciate your talent. I'll be watching for your next post. Great job.