Through the door to the right of the
service desk lies the mail room; in the center of it all is a very large, very old wooden table that looks as if it once belonged in a large family's dining room. Around this are a few chairs, which look much more comfortable than the chairs at the writing desks. Scattered across the tabletop are a handful of quills, a few inkwells, and a fair amount of spare parchment and envelopes. On the farthest wall, crammed between the wall that divides this room from the
Owlery and the wall of the manager's office, is what appears to be a mail rack. Across the top, labels are visible, for various cities, countries, and even continents in some cases. More often than not, handfuls of letters can be seen jammed into the boxes, waiting to be sent out.
A small refrigerator has been placed under a table in the corner closest to the door. On top of this is a coffeepot; on the wall above this, a small cabinet holds the many mugs brought in by employees from their own homes. 'If you break it, you pay for it' is the rule of thumb here; there is a stack of styrofoam cups available for those who do not wish to chance having to shell out a few sickles for broken china. Or you could always conjure your own.
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