SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Dear Littleredhead,
Cat ears.
On a human.
Yes. Kitty!ears on a human. Not just kitty!ears, either - crup eyes, kneazle!whiskers, and CAT TAILS. I know, Littleredhead, you are certain that I have gone insane, but it is just that I saw Raiden's kitty!ears, the other day, and they reminded me of the last potions class.
Total chaos, that one. This first year - Marlowe, or something, I can not remember her name - messed up her potion, and her cauldron exploded. Magenta goop, everywhere. Magenta goop that gave everyone it landed on, feline and dog-like characteristics. I ended up with a lovely set of kitty!ears. They were highly adorable, trust you me, but what freaked me out was that I had WHISKERS. White whiskers.
Not to mention, the rest of the class. There were students who wanted milk, or could be lured into coming up to you by the mention of chicken. Students who were barking, or meowing, or sporting TAILS. Not to mention, three younger students - Arya, Ivory and Destiny - actually had a cat!fight. A real cat!fight it was, too. Complete with biting and scratching.
In the end, Raiden and I had to lead everyone to the Hospital Wing. I actually had to tie up Arya, because she was such an angry and frustrated kneazle!person. She kept trying to eat me, or something. Well, claw at me, at any rate.
Things worked out pretty well for almost everyone in the end, though. We all got healed, and I no longer have the freaky whiskers. But I say 'almost everyone' because Raiden was sort of distracted by chicken, or something, and Professor Kazimeriz decided to punish him by telling Healer Ashford not to remove his kitty!ears.
Unless Raiden can catch a certain mouse. What mouse, you ask? Well, it's blue and it can actually fly.
Poor Raiden.
But I am getting used to his kitty!ears, if you ask me. They are adorable, and he actually likes it if you pet them. I tickled them, earlier today. He let me, and even seemed to enjoy it. That was only the good thing about a day that was totally depressing.
Why depressing, you ask? I received a memo to come to a Prefects' Meeting, and it was plain depressing, because the castle is now on lockdown. A suspicious coupon was found during a Care of Magical Creatues class, and some bloodied robes turned up during a Flying Lesson. All future visits to Hogsmeade have been cancelled, and everything is - plain rotten, if you ask me. Terror in the castle. So much of it. I can not help but worry for my friends. For everyone I hold near and dear.
I have been trying to focus on good things. On homework, on high heels, on anything shiny - none of it works, though. Even though I managed to turn in a homework that sort of makes me laugh. I printed out a copy of it, and will stick it in here. Wait a second, Littleredhead.
A copy of the Ancient Runes Homework is stuck to the next page, with a permanent sticking charm. Text Cut: Ancient Runes, homework two! Quote:
Originally Posted by Homework IF, if you knew how to cast this spell, who would you cast it on, and what would you make them do. Three inches of parchment. 
Oooh! If I knew how to cast this spell, professor, I would definitely use it on Mrs. Nemo, also known as Torin Kane. Why Torin? Because he is NOT a good boy, and does NOT listen to me. But, of course, he will have to, when I have the power of this spell.
In other words, every time he sits on Reeses Pieces – Prefect Upstead – I will waste no time in using this spell, to make him get off the poor, unhappy girl. Not to mention, if he refuses to give me his Nemo plush toy again, I will MAKE him give it to me. I will also make him do all sorts of totally crazy dances in front of Brody Summers, if he refuses to talk sense, or ever teases me by calling me Mr. Nemo. Because that name is not acceptable!
AND! I am going to make him POUT or flap his arms, if he ever calls Dylan a jerk, or suggests that Dylan would take me out to a place like the Hog’s Head for Valentine’s Day! I hope Mr. T will be a good boy then, and listen to me, once in a while. Maybe he will lend me his Nemo plush toy, too? Even though I did purchase a really pretty one through mail-order, some days ago. Things to do:
♥ Eat.
♥ Stop thinking of the terrifying stuff.
♥ Show Mr. T silly!homework.
♥ Hug DyDy.
♥ Hug DyDy.
♥ Hug DyDy.
♥ Ditto. |