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Old 04-12-2010, 11:17 PM   #120 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Alrighty, here's the next post

Emily consciously heard voices around her before she was fully awake. She listened to their low, worried voices.

“Why isn’t she waking up?” Remus asked Madam Pomfrey in hushed tones.

“Please, Mr. Lupin, I’m sure she will come around soon,” the healer replied calmly.

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve already told you, I’ve done everything I can. I can’t do anything else until she wakes up.”

“Professor, I’m sure she’ll be fine,”
said Fred.

“Yeah, I’m sure she’ll wake up in no time,” agreed Cody.

Cody was here? she asked herself. Emily tried to not move as much as possible so she could keep eavesdropping. It’s harder than you could imagine. She had to remind herself not to tense her muscles or wiggle her toes. Emily strained her ears to hear more.

“What is taking so long?” Remus asked no one in particular.

“I wish she’d hurry up,” whispered Ginny.

Everyone seemed to quiet down and she could feel their eyes on her, waiting for her to make some type of move. Deciding that she wasn’t going to hear much more, Emily started moving her toes and fingers. She stretched her arms slightly. Everyone seemed to hold their breaths in the room.

“Emily?” Remus exclaimed.

“Rem? Is that you?” Emily croaked. Her voice sounded horrible and nasally.

“I’m here, baby. It’s okay. Don’t strain yourself. Just rest.” Emily opened her eyes a fraction and squinted at the bright light. She groaned.

“What? What hurts?” Remus asked her franticly. Emily turned over on her side, and propped herself on her arm.

“Why am I in the Hospital Wing?” Emily asked.

“You couldn’t even talk when you were brought in. You didn’t eat anything yesterday. You were out in the rain for a long time too. When he brought you in, all you did was stare off into space. Cody said you wouldn’t even answer him or acknowledge him. He didn’t know what else to do. So, he brought you to the infirmary and sent word to me. What were you thinking, Emily? Are you mental?”

“I was thinking of La Push,”
Emily said quietly. She didn’t look up to see their expressions or to see if they understood. She just rolled over on her bed and stared at a crack in the wall.

“Wha...what do you mean you were thinking of La Push? Like over the summer La Push? The plans you had or what actually happened?” Remus asked, shakily.

Emily said nothing. She ignored everyone. She wasn’t in the mood to be judged. She heard Remus breathing heavily and silently prayed that he would not start what she had a feeling he was about to start.

“Bloody hell, Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black! What in the name of Merlin is the matter with you? Turn around when I am talking to you, young lady!” Remus screamed at her. Emily could imagine the color of his face turning red, really red. She could imagine the vein in his neck popping out. She had only seen him like this one other time, and she had never wanted to see it again. She didn’t turn to face him. She didn’t show him any kind of recognition. She could tell that the others were all holding their breaths, waiting for her reaction.

Emily stared at the crack in the wall, as if waiting on something to pop through it. She let her tears stain the bed sheets and the pain in her heart wash through her. She listened to the fading footsteps of her friends and her Godfather. That night, Emily still watched that crack. A million memories drifted in and out of her thoughts. All of George, Fred, Remus, Ginny—everyone she loved.

Emily heard the infirmary doors open and wondered who came through it. She listened to the shoes grow heavier until they stopped, a few steps away from her bed. She didn’t roll over.

“What are you doing to yourself, Ems?” a voice asked quietly. Emily’s tears started almost immediately at the sound of the voice. She would know that voice anywhere, anytime.

*It's not much, and I just realized that I don't really like it that much, but oh well... Please Comment

Last edited by Emileyn; 08-08-2010 at 10:16 PM.
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