Charms Classroom Rules Charms Classroom Rules - All SnitchSeeker rules and roleplaying game specific rules apply.
----- - All characters should arrive to and depart from class on time. If you can't post right when the lesson begins, then your first post should be written as if your character has been in class all along. Likewise, if you can't stay until the end of class, please don't post your character as leaving early. Both of these situations will likely result in some form of in character punishment.
----- - Characters should come to class dressed in their school uniforms. While in class, please keep chatting to a minimum, respect the professor and all fellow students, and raise your hand when you answer.
----- - Unless otherwise indicated, classroom points are awarded based on participation, not whether a student answered first or last. Thoughtful, creative posts are encouraged.
----- - Cheating in class or on homework will result in no points and could possibly result in some form of in character punishment. This includes copying another student's verbal or written answer in class and/or copying another students homework assignment.
----- - Remember to have fun!