Alrighty, here's the new post

Let's find out who this mystery person is

“It’s his loss, you know,” said a voice from the shadows.
Emily jumped slightly at the mysterious voice. At first she thought it was Draco, but his voice wasn’t as deep as this person’s voice. She strained her eyes to see his figure, but it wasn’t working.
“Who are you?” Emily asked him cautiously.
“He’s just trying to make you jealous,” he said.
“Who are you?” Emily repeated.
The mysterious person slowly walked out from the shadows. Emily recognized him as Cody Cheek. He was one of the hottest guys in the school, a fellow Gryffindor actually. He was the same age as the twins, fifteen. She had never spoken to him before because he seemed a little intimidating.
“Cody? What are you doing out here?” she asked him, blushing slightly.
“I skipped lunch and went down to the kitchens to get some grub. Then, I saw red leave and you by the window. Thought I’d offer a shoulder,” he said smoothly.
Emily stared at him blankly for a moment before nodding.
“Oh,” was all she could think of to say. She immediately felt stupid after she let the two-letter word leave her lips.
“So, do you want to talk about it?” he asked her, disregarding her rosy cheeks. Emily shook her head slightly, and then nodded, finally giving in.
“Why don’t we go to this place I know that’s a little more private?” he asked.
“Okay, lead the way,” Emily said. Cody motioned for her to follow him and she obliged. They made their way down a narrow passageway. So narrow in fact that their hands brushed up against each other, but neither flinched nor yanked their hands away. Cody peeked at her from the corner of his eye.
“You know, it has never been this dramatic before,” he chuckled, trying to make small talk.
“I know,” Emily sighed.
“I wish it would go back to the way it was before.”
“You mean before the whole Draco and George ordeal?” Cody asked.
“What…what are you talking about?”
“Don’t try denying it. I caught you guys once. I just never told you about it, which makes sense because we don’t talk.”
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Emily denied anyway.
“Emily, it’s all right. I’m not going to tell anybody,” Cody promised. Emily flinched slightly at her name. Ten minutes ago she didn’t even know that he knew she existed, much less her name. She stared in wonder about him. Could she trust him with her secrets? She had never had to question George or Fred about this. George. Sigh. Emily looked deep into his blue eyes; they were like ice. Somehow, when she looked deep into his eyes, she knew that she could trust him with just about everything. She saw humor, sarcasm, gentleness, seriousness, and suave in those eyes.
“Yes, before all of the Draco and George nonsense. I can’t believe my life has turned into some type of drama series,” Emily chuckled.
“If only they were fun living in just like they’re fun watching,” joked Cody.
Emily stared at him in wonder.
“You know about the muggle television?” she asked curiously.
“Don’t seem so surprised. I live in a muggle neighborhood, not to mention that I did go to kindergarten.”
Emily laughed lightly. Inside her mind she couldn’t help but think about how natural and easy her laugh was.
“Wow, I never would have imagined that.”
“Oh really? And why is that?” he asked with a smirk.
“I don’t know. I guess I just never pegged you as the muggle insight kind of guy,” Emily said.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Cody said.
“You didn’t.”
“Good to know.” Cody picked up the pace slightly and then turned around.
“Welcome to my hiding spot,” he said, grinning. He opened the door on his right, holding it open for her.
Emily walked in through the doorway and glanced around. It was one of the classrooms that were no longer in use. It seemed that Cody had touched it up a bit. The walls were painted a light blue, which looked striking with his eyes. All of the desks and chairs were nowhere in sight. The ceiling, much like the Great Hall, was charmed to show the sky outside. The sun was starting set and left a rainbow of pinks, oranges, and purples across the sky. In one corner was an actual tree. She gaped at the entirety of the room. It was like magic.
“Did you do all this?” she asked him. He nodded at her and she glanced at the other side of the room.
It had a tire swing hanging from the air and flowers lining the walkway. It was beautiful. Emily walked forward toward the swing. She grabbed the rope in her hand and looked at the sky. Cody wandered over to the tree and sat beneath it. As Emily stared at the sky, Cody stared at Emily.
He had always known who she was and was always interested in her. And even though he was the “hottest” guy in the school, he could never muster up enough courage to talk to her. She was different than any of the other girls that threw themselves at him. Not only does she not throw herself at him, but she’s also smart, funny, athletic, and drop dead gorgeous. Yes, all of the other girls were pretty, but Emily’s beauty was completely natural. She’s down to earth and sees the good in everybody. He stared at her wonderment and smiled.
Emily glanced at Cody and found him smiling at her.
Cody just shook his head. Emily walked over to him and sat beside him under the tree.
“How come you’re showing me this little hide out? If I had it, I’d want to keep it all to myself,” she said.
“I guess some things are better if you share them with others. And I thought you could use some cheering up and a hide out of your own,” Cody explained. Emily just nodded.
“Do you mind if I borrowed it some time?”
“Not at all. That’s why I brought you here, so you can come anytime really. Maybe, we’,” Cody hesitated,
“run into each other from time to time.”
“I’d like that,” she smiled at him. He grinned back at her. He didn’t know why, but he actually felt nervous.
“So, would you like to talk about it?” he asked her.
Emily nodded slightly.
“Where to begin?” she asked herself.
Emily told Cody about her friendship with George and how deep down she’s always loved him. She told him about the dance and the kiss and how she broke his heart and hers by saying that she couldn’t pursue her feelings. She told about how she broke them again. She told him that she finally realized that she wanted him forever and was going to tell him so. She told him about how she felt when she walked in on him and Angelina. She told Cody everything except for the Sirius thing. There were only two people she could trust
that secret with.
Cody listened to her story. When she finished, she looked at the ground, not being able to meet his eyes.
“Sometimes being apart like this makes people stronger, makes their feelings stronger. He’ll realize that he’s lying to himself about liking Angelina or he’ll get sick of trying to make you jealous. He’ll come back to you,” Cody said. Emily looked over at him.
“Thanks, I needed to talk to somebody about this,” she said.
“Anytime,” Cody promised.
The two sat there under the tree for a while. Before they knew it, it was time for dinner. Emily and Cody left their own personal outside and headed for the Great Hall. Emily glanced down the table and saw George and Angelina close together, Fred and Lee across from them. Fred noticed her and waved half-heartedly, Lee did the same. She smiled and waved back. Cody and her sat at the end of the table. Everyone around them was gaping at them. Emily, embarrassed, blushed slightly as Cody started getting agitated.
“Why don’t you people get a life and stop snooping in on ours,” he said harshly to the people staring. Everyone who had been watching quickly turned away. Emily looked at him.
“You okay?” she whispered. He nodded.
“So, er, do you have any siblings?” she asked him awkwardly.
He laughed lightly, breaking the awkwardness, and they picked up their carefree conversations from earlier. They talked about their families, Quidditch, classes, and friends over dinner. But the last subject kind of hit a sour note with Emily and it stopped abruptly. All too soon, everyone was getting up from the table and making their way to their respective common rooms. Emily fell in step next to Cody in the hall, but neither said a word.
Inside the common room, at the separation of the stairs, Emily and Cody paused. She faintly noticed that George, Angelina, Hermione, Fred, Lee, Ron, Ginny, and Harry were all staring at them.
“So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked.
“Yeah, I hope so,” she replied.
“You do realize that they’re all staring right now, right?” he asked in an undertone.
“Yeah, I realized.”
“What do you say we try to make a certain someone really jealous right now?” he asked quietly to where only she could hear.
“What did you have in mind?” she asked cautiously.
“Not much,” he grinned. Before she could respond, he pulled her closer to him and engulfed her in a hug. He lifted her up in the air and twirled her around. She laughed as she spun around. When he set her back on the floor, he took her hand in his and kissed the top. Then he kissed both of her cheeks.
“Until tomorrow,” he said a bit louder than normal. He bolted up the stairs before she had time to register anything. She stood there for a moment longer, blushing madly.
Turning, she saw George’s mouth wide open.
“Night,” she said dreamily to the group. As she walked up the stairs to her dormitory, she thought about the day she’d had. From the horrid lesson to the confession of George’s love, and then on to meeting her father and Cody, she thought of the promise she had broken. She had promised no more drama; well, that was out of the question now. She had a feeling that the next few weeks were going to be extremely dramatic.
Taking off her sneakers, she plopped down on her bed. She didn’t even bother undressing. She smiled against her pillow. Falling asleep, she thought of a tire swing that definitely had her name on it tomorrow.
*Alrighty, tell me watchya think