Originally Posted by

Omg, I soo wanna know who that secret saleswitch is!!!! -flails-
Mystery!Woman: I see I am quite... popular.
-eyes- Quote:
Excellent chapter, Maxielufff, absolutely amazing.

I love your FFs.
I think they're the only ones I read Thank youuu, myNimmi.
... and I consider that an honour.
Originally Posted by
-Pets Draco-
Draco: I am no mere mortal to be petted by anyone, DeeLee. But -eyes- I think I can make an exception for you.
I'll tell you what's wrong.
I'M NOT IN THIS CHAPTER, that's what's wrong!
And now everyone wants to claim they're the saleswitch when I claimed that spot first. -Rolls eyes-
You srsly need to stop cheating on me, Draco.
Draco: But, honey, it's not my fault. *looks all innocent* Quote:
This chapter was insane, though. O_O I'm talking about the way it was written and the detail and everything. I swear, you just get better and better and better each passing second, Maxers. Like, right when I think "Okay, she's officially beat Shakespeare as the greatest writer of all time" you go and blow me away by posting something 89237438x better the next time.
Iloveyou. AND! I hoped you liked the Draco!coming-out-of-ze-shower scene. It was written especially for you.
I--... I dunno if I can handle so much shiny sparkly awesomeness all at once, Maxers! MY EYES! THEY BURN!! -Flails-
Nuuu. -applies nice!pretty ice-pack to your eyes-
Or maybe that's the gleam off Draco's God-like platinum-blonde hair that's blinding me.

Draco agrees, I think. xD Quote:
Either way, I am beyond words right now.
You're too amazing, my Maxers, and as always ICANNOTFREAKINWAITFORTHENEXTCHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!
I want it NAO!!!!
I'll try to update, soonish. =] Quote:
Originally Posted by
-logs onto SS after mowing the lawn-
How that go? ^__^ -falls over-
I know I've said this before, but this IS brilliant!! -sighs- You are so vivid in your writing I can see ALL the details in my mind of everything. I like how you put emphasis on his eyes. -nods head-
Thank you LOAAADDDS! I think most people really like the details in this chapter. That probably has something to do with the fact that they are all Draco!details. xD Quote:
And like always...
-hugs you-
Now go off and write some more to make me a happy reader!
-stares at computer for next update-
*hugHUGSyou backkkk*
Aye aye, Captain! Quote:
Originally Posted by
princess of*hp*
NUUU! Get up, Melellell! PLEASE!
=[ Quote:

C-Can I touch your silky hair, my lord?! -reaches out hand tentatively-
Draco: NOOOO! You must not mess them, before the next update! *looks around to check if Dee is there, then quickly whispers* Of course you can, Melellell.
Aww, thank you.
I shall write more of both, for myMelellell.
Originally Posted by
OMG!!!! Brilliant chapter!
I <3333333 it! Keep up the great work!

Thanks a heap, Stef!
Glad to know you're enjoying the story.