Name in which you would like to be called: Lourdes Lulu
Other name(s) you don't mind: Uhh...Lulu? Lou, Bearrr, Munchkin, Lulu Gaga

, Nerd, Luly, Lulu Poooo -list goes on-

That's the basics xD Or anything that may fit
Why did you come to the SH?: You must not know! -hides reason-
It's a place I bumped into First thought that just popped into your head: Why did I start watching Beyblade again? O.o
Other things we all need to know about you (this can, but isn't necessary, include age and whereabouts, ect):
Uhhh....I'm a HUGE anime nerd. Well, no, not really

But I'm close!
Matt from Digimon is mine! -steals him from Ashlie-
I have BIG dreams, that are slowly being crushed by
little people

I'm hyper, silly and gooooooooooofy

hehe >:]