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A cold, sardonic chuckle could be heard from the doorway. A tall, dark haired man lifted a disillusionment charm and strode along the hallway, still chuckling as he went.
He scurried into the ancient den, long ago abandoned by other boys; long gone boys.
That is kind of... nostalgic. <3 Quote:
Why couldn’t he have a den in the woods?
No-one would tell him and he wanted to know.
My God, that is too adorable. I love little!Remus.
“Your Mummy is very worried about you.”
These two are TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
-LOVES on them- Quote:
“I-I-I didn’t see you.”
“Clearly. You probably would have changed direction like you did in Diagon Alley last week.”
-eyes them- Quote:
“Lal? My Lalita?” He grinned widely and pulled her into a hug.
Lalita? Is that supposed to ring a bell? Because it does.
O__o Quote:
Thanks to Maxie and Erin for helping me find a model and a name for Lalita. I knew who she was, but finding a model and a name was a challenge.
Here she is.
YUSH! Looks like it was supposed to ring a bell.
... and I got mentioned. xD
GREAT update. Very well-written.
Update soon. <3