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Old 03-30-2010, 01:55 PM   #3 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Blinking, Sabel looked down at the letter, and then up at Alexa. Her aunt...had passed? "I' Alexa..."

Pain struck anew as he watched his friend, and the world shattering around her. How could he make her see, that none of it had been her fault, that she wasn't to blame?

Reaching out, he took her hand with his, and placed it over the ribs that had been broken, that were almost back to normal; at least he could climb stairs without having to pause every few flights. His voice came quietly, sincerely, his eyes searching hers with honesty. "Even powerful wizards, cannot break the curse you were under. Even they, would have done the same thing. You didn't do those things. Remi did." He tilted his head a little, giving her a small smile. "And there is nothing broken, that cannot be repaired, Alexa. And then, it can only be made stronger."
Alexa let Sabel take her hand yet she refused to look at him in the face. "It doesn't change what I did and I have to live with it for the rest of my life, Sabel. Aunty Dora would be so disappointed in me, I know she probably is watching me right now thinking how I let her down. My mum and dad are proud of me, told me they would have liked it more had I killed one of the teachers" she grimaced, still not having seen Mr. Kapoor since she attacked him.

She took a gulp of her pumpkin juice, not really tasting anything. "Uncle Silas is going to let me live with him but I am afraid that I will just upset him more... I just want to run away. I promised Dylan we'd stick together though. I just don't know what to do, Sabel." she rambled on in a dead voice as she pushed sausage links across her plate still.
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