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Old 03-29-2010, 04:31 PM   #328 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Middle of nowhere
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cherrinell Baron
First Year
JayMay ♥ Big, yellow duckie <3


So now she had FOURR rings! Candyy rose into the air a bit with them and WAVEDD at what she was sure was a little glimpsiiiee of the Giant Squid. "Thank you for letting me take the ring, sirrr!" she said HAPPILY.

The Giant Squid was a NIICEEE guy!

He WAS a guy, right?

Ah well. Candy turned round and, two rings over each arm, began to fly awayyy. Back to the SHORRREEE line! YAYY!! Reaching it, still in the air, she spotted the area where they had begun. Now she just had to land.


Pulling back her broomstick a bit, she slowwwweeddd down and STUCKKK out her legs. Her shoed feetttt hit the ground and then she had landed all smoothly. The first year BEAMEDD and jumped off her broom.

Now to WAITT for further instructions! She skipped off, sitting down on one of the benches, right next to a student she did not know ---- and of course, BEAMING at her rings. She had managed to get all fourrr without even falling off her BROOMIEE!


Jessica's time on SS is now limited
thanks to that big and BAD thing called
real life

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