Nice chapter Owen!
But then, were there any doubts? Okay, I'm going to do this post justice, since I appreciate your writing so much... Here goes...
"She fancies someone who is in to death."
I do believe Harry is being a little rash here. Mind you, it is a father's perrogative... No boy will ever be good enough!
"Hell, that sucks."
Hehe... typical Ron; I loved it!
"Bill says the goblins are acting a little weird."
I say, "Bring on the goblins! I'm in the mood for blood, gore and war!
"Sorry if I hurt you, daddy."
I'm so glad Harry and Lily are happy again... sigh.
"Well," Harry paused for effect, "at least we know where he lives.."

Typical... Although, I kind of expected Ron to be saying this!
"Of course, Mother got them for me earlier today. She didn't think it appropriate for a newly appointed Head Boy to do his own shopping."
Like father, like son? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree? I loved it!
Pausing to give Rose a chaste peck on the cheek,
I'm shocked that Ron didn't jump out of his chair and pummel Scorpius. I am glad, however, that Rose and he are together. Thank God for the calmness of a mother...
Something struck her as fishy, were his family ancient supporters of Voldemort? The way he dressed reminded her of the summer cleaning Grimmauld Place, all the vulgar ornaments and cloaks screaming dark arts.
She involuntarily shuddered, maybe Harry was right to criticise her daughter's choice of man.
...and so ends the happiness of a consoling mother... I bet she wishes she had waited before being so 'la-dee-da' with Harry!
Excellent chapter! I can't wait until the relationships get a little older... if they're allowed to get a little older. I also look forward to the goblin conflict; I can't wait for the next chapter. Better get pen to paper soon...