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Old 03-28-2010, 12:06 AM   #19 (permalink)
Anna Banana

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eliza Bellerose
Second Year

Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat View Post
Samuel was going to pull his hair out if he didn't get pulled out of this lift, but who know WHEN he was going to get out? HE ran his hand through his hair, his eyes kept looking back at the door of the lift, hoping that it would open any second from now. But it never happened.

When Dan agreed on sending a patronus, a whole lot of stress was pulled off of him. If they sent a patronus, someone would be here and rescue them...and then he wouldn't be a goner. He reached inside of him wand pocket, and when he didn't feel his wand, his reached inside his other pocket, thinking it might just be in there. Nope, it wasn't there. And then the guy remembered that he accidentally left it inside his office overnight.


He looked over at Dan, not really wanting to say that he didn't have his wand, but his brother would find out sooner or later. "I think my wand is in the office," he told him. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. He began to pace back and forth on his side of the lift before getting this idea that maybe someone could hear them if they banged on the lift door. Maybe, just maybe...

"I got an idea," he announced. He walked over to the door of the lift, and then said in a rather loud voice, "Can anyone hear me?"
Originally Posted by Whitterz View Post
He rolled his eyes. Of course Sam would be stupid enough to do that. Only he would leave his wand. "I always told everyone that you're an idiot. And I was right." Because seriously who does that?

It was a wonder Sam pasted his first year at Hogwarts.

"Oh, so you don't think I can send a Patronus?" he asked cooly as his brother started shouting for help.
Realizing the elevators were currently in need of service and wouldn't actually open anytime soon, Lexi turned around in search of another way to get her back to the first level. She was no more than two steps away when she heard a muffling yelling. It sounded like someone was in trouble!

Puzzled over this, she froze in tracks to try and figure out where the yelling was coming from. It sounded like it was...behind her? But that would mean...ahh, so that was why the elevators wouldn't open! Some poor unfortunate person was trapped inside!

She whirled back around and approached the elevator door. "I can hear you! Don't worry, I'll have you out in a few seconds," she called out. As she fumbled for her wand, Lexi heard a second voice, and that's when she realized both voices sounded sort of familiar. "This is Lexi, the Senior Undersecretary. Who's inside?"

Last edited by Anna Banana; 03-30-2010 at 01:18 AM.
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