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Old 03-27-2010, 11:41 PM   #200 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hazel Martin-Pryce
First Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Scout MacIntyre
Daily Prophet Reporter
Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger

Tiberius had found it. The potion he needed to brew to fix himself! Running his finger down the page, he made note of all the materials he'd need, jumped down off the stool again (it was high up!) and toddled over to the cabinet, thankful to find most things on low shelves. He would... handle the dropped bottle of newt tails later...

Returning, ingredients stuffed in pockets and the crooks of his arms, he looked over at Jake. Tibi was going to do this by himself if at all possible. Scaling the stool like a small mountain, Tibi tried to keep all the ingredients on his person. Wheezing when he got back on the stool, he set them out before him and looked over the potion.

Growth Potion

Fluxweed, minced, 4 drams
Pomegranate juice, 100 mL
Flobberworm mucus
Butterfly wings (4), crushed


1. Bring 200mL water to a rolling boil.
2. Add 100mL pomegranate juice, stirring clockwise.
3. Reduce heat and let simmer for 4 minutes.
4. Mince fluxweed and separate into 1 dram piles.
5. Add fluxweed to the potion, one dram at a time, stirring counterclockwise between each addition.
6. Allow to simmer while the next ingredient is prepared.
7. Crush four large butterfly wings with mortar and pestal.
8. Add crushed wings, and stir 10x alternating between counterclockwise and clockwise, beginning with counterclockwise.
9. Return to boil. Potion should turn a vibrant emerald color.
10. Once color turns, add one spoonful flobberworm mucus and stir briskly for 2 minutes.
11. Reduce heat and let simmer 30 minutes.
12. Potion should thicken and darken in color.
13. Let cool.

Tiberius was relieved to see that the bucket of water from before was still on the work station. Kneeling on the stool, he leaned over and reached into the bucket. But couldn't reach. Grunting, Tiberius got to his feet on the stool, and leaned into the bucket, scooping out the water needed and depositing it in the bucket.

Lowering himself shakily back to his knees, Tiberius shook his now wet sleeve up past his elbow. Flame heating the water, Tiberius double checked the measurement of pomegranate juice and measured out the fluxweed that he would need to cut.

As he heard the cauldron bubble, Tiberius grabbed his stirring rod and leaned precariously over the cauldron. It was awkward to hold the vial in his tiny hand on its own, so he placed the rod back down, and used both hands to tilt the vial over the cauldron, pouring in the juice. Grabbing the rod quickly, he let the vial clatter to the tabletop. He stirred clockwise quickly, hoping that stirring after instead of during wasn't terrible.

Reducing the heat, he set to mincing the fluxweed, the knife that once felt far too small now too large for his hand. His cuts were more precise than before, but still, his control was lacking.

And then someone came in.

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
Alessia walked into the potions lab and looked around. "Students... Professor Kazimeriz... he's..." Unresponsive?... unconscious?... "He won't be returning to the potions lab... I..." She choked up and covered her mouth. When she was able to speak again she said "I am here to close up the lab... let me know if you need to restore... anything and please file out." She said and waited by the door.
Leave? LEAVE? Tiny!Tibi shook. He was going to be like this forever. "Professor Lupa? The toddler-sized boy squeaked. "Professor Kazimeriz said I had to brew my own antidote. C-can I stay and finish?"

The boy looked at her, terrified of being small and squeaky forever, swimming in his clothes. "Please?"

Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind

You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time

Last edited by AmbiguouslyMe; 03-27-2010 at 11:46 PM.
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