post 1 Goo goo g'joob
Jacob walked over to the practice pitch after the written portion of the exam. It really wasnt that bad, well at least that was his opinion. He reached the pitch and saw broom maitenance supplies, brooms,a chalkboard and a Vindictus pointing to that chalkboard.
Jacob read the instructions on the board. Why couldnt they just fly, this was flying class it isnt supposed to be so much work. Jacob went over to the supplies and grabbed a container of handle polish, rags and tail twig clippers. Oops he had taken too many rags, jacob took the 2 extra rags and placed them back. Then he went and grabbed a school broom, ugly things. No wonder this was part of their final exam, these things definantly needed some taking care of.
Jacob found a nice soft patch of grass and sat down, and layed the broom across his lap and looks around...NO! Bad Jacob Thats Cheating!, good he hadnt...Was he supposed to be using the solution? It really didnt matter, jacob didnt know how to do it. Vindictus hadnt taught them to do that part...did he? Maybe he was asleep during that part, so he decided to skip that and hope Professor Vindictus didnt notice. Instead Jacob took his clipper and started clipping then ugly twigs so they looked good again, He looked up every so often to make sure Vindictus wasnt staring hat him. He didnt do good under pressure, and he knew he would mess up if Vindictus started watching him work too much. wait...Did Vindictus see him looking around? Hopefully not, that would not go down too well. It wasnt cheating if he didnt do what the others were doing , right? RIGHT?!?!