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Old 03-27-2010, 03:05 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Jayden ducked as a fireball went passed. Just another day at the office, right? He was getting ready to put one out when a girl nearby did. It was Laura, the girl he met at the party. He gave her a friendly wave. Now he knew more than Ingrid. That was a victory for him as he was a guy that normally kept to himself.
Laura noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. As she turned, pocketing her wand again, she saw that it was Jayden. She smiled and waved back to him. It was nice to know most everyone in the department. "Hi, Jayden. Other than almost being hit by a flying fireball, how are you today?" she asked.

Originally Posted by milloy112 View Post
As John was clapped on the back he felt an odd feeling of Hollowness, he felt really bad that he was not there to help his team at the World cup when they needed him and that meant that he would have to try as hard as he could and do more work than everyone else to prove to Armen that he was worth something. "Sorry i was not here for the world cup" He said turning to look apologeticly at the man "I was recently ill and as soon as i got better i came right here because this is were i belong so if you have any work then pass it my way".

"Yea i met Christian , i thought he " he began as everything spiralled out of control as several fire balls swerved around the room, pointing his wand at one that was near a stack of paper he said loudly "Finite!"
Soon, Laura heard the sound of another fireball and an oh so familiar voice yelling the same spell she had used not long ago. She turned in time to see another fireball dissipate. "Wow, nice shot," she said appreciatively, turning to face the caster, who just happened to be...

"John Milloy?" she said upon seeing him. She had never really seen his wandmanship, since they only knew each other briefly in the office. "It's been too long!" What had he been gone this long for? An illness or something like that, if she wasn't mistaken. "How are you?" she asked.
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