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Old 03-24-2010, 10:15 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07 View Post
Theron began examining his desk a bit more. Clearly Mr. Wickham wasn't a very organized man. He opened the first drawer a large FIREBALL burst put of the drawer and began bouncing off the walls in every direction. Catching loose pieces of paper on fire.

"INCOMING!!!" Theron shouted to warn the others, as he quickly duck as the fireball came soaring towards him. He took out his wand and pointed at the fireball, "Aguamenti!" he shouted, but as soon as the water his the fireball, it multiplied into three other fireballs. Theron continued to duck. What was it going to take to stop these things if water didn't work?
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
As Armen had been looking at Laura begin to work, he had failed to meet the new Floo Network's Division Head. He had also failed to see the fireball that had shot out of the desk, and then split into three, until it flew so close to his chocolate frog card that it was senged. "What in Merlin's horned toad?!" he shouted jumping up from his chair and casting the Wizard card aside. He pulled out his wand and followed Ingrid's lead in casting a sheild charm on his desk, he had way too many important forms on there to get destroyed.

He watched at the fireballs flew around the office and came pretty close to the other employees and their belongings. "Everyone use Protego on your desks. And protect yourselfs too." he said loudly. Armen saw Ingrid been to slow the flying flames with Immobulus. He didn't know what spell Craig Wickham could have used to create these things, but he may recieve a summons to the Division for Experimental charms. The only thing he could think of would be to try and finish off the fires. He poitned his wand at one of the stopped fireballs across from his desk at eye-level.

"Finite!" he shouted and the spell making the flames stay alive ended and the fireball disappeared. "Everyone cast Finite on the remaining two Fireballs and they should die." he said glad to have found something that could stop the menacing fire balls flying around Level 6.
Laura had barely put her quill to paper when she suddenly heard a commotion coming from up where the division heads' desks stood. A thump very close to her drew her attention away before she had time to register what was going on. It was a fireball!? She instinctively shot up to her feet and looked around, watching the fiery objects bounce around the room. Well, that wasn't good.

Noticing Theron's attempt to put out the fireballs with Aguamenti, Laura realized that water only made things worse. Great! She dodged another fireball and snatched her picture on her desk as it was narrowly missed by the fire. Laura heard Ingrid already in action and Armen shouting about protecting the desks. She reached for her wand and pointed it at hers. "Protego!" Laura turned in time to see Armen get rid of a fireball with Finite and then turned to the nearest of the remaining fireballs, casting the same spell on it, and watching its flame end.
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