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Disclaimer:Monster was the second single of the 2009 album Awake by the Christian Rock band Skillet.
Chapter Eighteen (Orion's flashback, first year)
I wandered aimlessly around the huge stone castle looking for Tessa. She was probably with her friend AnnabSilt, school wasn't as fun as I had expected, which isn't saying much, I didn't expect much fun. My favorite time of the day was when I could hang out with Tessa in the library, she kept me sane somehow. I leaned against the cold stone walls and sighed, nothing could have prepared me for what came next, well possibly nothing.el
“ Hey handsome.” Some random girl I'd never met before grinned at me, she had two giggling accomplishes.” So, where's that mudblood servant of yours? Decided to get rid of and kill it, I would if I where you.” Her attitude made me furious, how could she call Tessa a mudblood or it!?” I'd be more careful who you spend your time with Orion, because my mom and your mom are bestest of friends, I'm sure that if your parents knew who you spent your time with.. Well, I'd feel really bad for you, I've heard of some punishment they use.”
“ Shut up and go away Edna.” I glared at her, recognizing her as Edna Parkinson, her mom had divorced her dad several years ago, and our moms were good friends. If my dad knew that I was friends with a mudblood, er muggleborn, I would be dead meat. Edna just laughed her sickly annoying laugh.” If you dare tell.. Anyone.. I'll kill you. Don't if you know what's good for you.” Edna looked scared at my sudden anger but continued cackling.
“ Hey Orion, what's going-Who's.. She, er them?” Tessa asked skipping over smiling, her happiness faltered when she noticed Edna and her accomplishes.” Oh wait. Your that second year stuck up prat Parkinson. Orion is she messing with-Hiya Annie, I'll be right over gotta finish with something over here.” Tessa half turned to wave to her Hufflepuff friend.
(a year later)
“ How could you do this to me Orion? I thought that.. That. I thought that you were my friend, that you didn't hate mudbloods, that you understood how I felt. I take it I was wrong.” Tessa glared at me as tears started to fill her eyes, I wished I could have told her this was a lie, that I didn't mean it. But I had to, if Edna hadn't told her mother.” Well I'm outta here. You can go back to spending time with your girlfriend Parkinson, obviously that's what you wanted.”
“ No Tessa, wait.” I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving, Edna raised her eyebrows threateningly, Tessa continued to watch me in distaste.” Just wanted to say bye mudblood.” I couldn't believe that I had to do this! Tessa burst out crying as she wrenched her arm out of my grasp then ran over to her brother who was totally confused as to what was going on.” I'm going to kill you Edna, this is all your fault!” I muttered.
“ Oh, Orie, but it's not my fault. If you hadn't forgotten your the one that started talking with that mudblood, you.. Mingled with her, I guess I could put it. Ooh! Look the train has arrived darling.” Edna giggle was almost enough to make me murder her. I ignored her stupidity to watch Tessa who was already jumping off the train running towards her family with her brother in tow.” Hey Chris what's up?” I hadn't noticed that Christopher had arrived.
“ Er.. Go away Edna. What's wrong Orion? I swear you've been acting off and there's this whole thing with Tessa, one day your best friends next day your calling her a mudblood.. What the hell is going on?” Christopher asked digging his hands deeper in his navy blue sweatshirt. He notices things to easily.” Does Edna have anything to do with this? Because she's almost literally hanging off of you.” Fortunately Edna had left when Chris told her to.
“ I don't want to talk about it. See you when school starts Chris.” I shoved by him grabbing my bag glaring daggers at my father and mother, who were utterly bemused as to why I was so angry, once we got home they started to question me, well more mom then dad.” I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! Leave me alone.” I yelled before heading up to my room pulling out the present Tessa got me last year, a iPod. Cranking the volume up I started to listen to the song relaxing as I did so.
The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it
It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
Cause if I let him out
He'll tear me up
And break me down
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
It's hiding in the dark
It's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me
It wants my soul,
It wants my heart
No one can hear me scream
Maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's inside of me
Stop this monster!
I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I
Feel like a monster
I feel like a monster
(Tessa and Orion's 3rd year)
I heard a shriek of pain emitting from the Forbidden Forest and decided to check it out, I was really surprised to see Tessa there. She never broke the rules!” What are you doing here, Malfoy.” Tessa spat turning angry as soon as she caught sight of me.” Never mind don't answer that, just get me out of here.” I forgot she hated to climb tree's and then I started to wonder what in the world she was doing in on. I started walking towards the tree.
“ In case your still confused about why I'm here I heard someone shriek in pain and decided to help.” I answered the first question, even though she told me not to.” Why are you in a tree anyways? You hate them.” Tessa just glared at me not answering the question, I didn't think she would.” If you don't tell me I won't help you out and I'll just leave.” I knew I wouldn't do that not even if a monster was charging me, but Tessa didn't.
“ I was attacked by something.. Er, a. I was just attacked that's all, I. A-a baby thing attacked me.” For some reason she was avoiding the question, I wondered what baby thing she would be scared of, only just then I noticed her leg was bleeding, how could a baby make anyone bleed?!” Well, do I have to answer the-Ugh! A baby Basilisk attacked me.” My jaw dropped, was she dumb or what? By the looks of it she was bitten.
“ Jump.” I said, Tessa looked at me like I was mental.” Jump down from the tree silly.” She still stared at me.” I'll catch you, just jump. If you don't jump then you'll be stuck up there for who knows how long or you'll be attacked by that Basilisk again which I don't even want to know why there was one in the Forbidden Forest. So jump or don't jump it's up to you.” I was pretty sure that she was going to jump, eventually. Even though I hadn't talked with her for ages she hadn't changed much I could tell.
“ If you don't catch me, or if you drop I'll kill you!” Tessa glared at me before preparing to jump out.” I'll do it on the count of three. One... Two..” There was a pause and as sharp intake of breath.” You know what, maybe I could somehow get out of here with out jumping.” I totally saw this coming. I just stared at her.” On my head be it. Three!” And with that she jumped and I barely caught her.” Wow.. I'm never ever EVER doing that again. Now let's get out of here.”