Here's the next post I promised...
It had been a week since Sirius Black had attacked the Fat Lady. Sir Cadogan was getting on every Gryffindor’s last nerve. The rumors about how Sirius had broken in were completely insane and far-fetched. Emily felt bad for Harry though; every teacher was tailing him, coming up with ways to walk with him.
Draco ignored Emily at all costs, but he did send her one last letter begging her to come back to him. It brought a tear to her eye, but her answer still remained a no. Whenever they ran into each other and Pansy would start to insult her, Draco would just say
“Come on,” and walk away.
Emily kept the journal, waiting for the opportune moment to talk to Remus about it and ask him why he never showed it to her. She didn’t want to show it to Dumbledore until Remus knew she had it. She didn’t want to go behind his back with it. She asked George how she should bring it up, but he didn’t give her a straight answer, so he wasn’t any help. Then, there was Harry. She still hadn’t told him that Sirius was her father. She thought he deserved the truth, but didn’t know how to go about telling it. She was nervous about him deciding to not talk to her.
The Quidditch season was fast approaching and Emily was happy that she’d have something to take her mind off things. The first match was supposed to be against Slytherin, but they pulled out, declaring that Draco’s arm was still hurt. She wondered why he was faking again and just assumed he wasn’t in the right mindset from the break up. She felt bad for him, but the relationship was a two way street and she wasn’t truly happy anymore. Now, their first match was against Hufflepuff.
Two nights before the match was the full moon. Emily spent the night in Remus’ office, under the usual protection Dumbledore provided. He felt quite ill the next day and couldn’t teach. Snape took over class and, of course, it was dreadful. All in all, Snape took away twenty points from Gryffindor and Ron got a detention.
Emily, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny made their way down to the Quidditch pitch after breakfast the next morning. It was raining badly and they were trying to hold up the umbrella. Emily was decked out in her red and gold, supporting her house team and best friends.
“I’m going to go wish George and Fred good luck. Save me a seat?” Emily asked the others. They nodded and Emily made her way down to the changing rooms. She pulled her hood farther over her hair and shivered. Once she arrived, she knocked on the door quietly. Fred let her in, signaling for her to be quiet. Oliver was pacing, opening and closing his mouth, trying to speak. George noticed her and grinned. He walked over and gave her a hug.
“Good luck,” she whispered in his ear.
“Thanks,” he whispered back.
“You too,” she nodded at Fred, giving him a hug too. He grinned and then winked at her. She stifled a giggle, not wanting to upset Oliver.
“I guess I’d better go find the others,” she whispered. She waved at them and said goodbye. She waved at the rest of the team behind Oliver’s back and gave them a thumb’s up.
She made her way back into the sleeting rain in the general direction of the Gryffindor section. She saw a couple of red heads and headed for them.
“How are they?” Ginny asked.
“Well, Oliver is having a mental block, not being able to speak. He’s a bit nervous, but everyone else seemed fine,” she shrugged.
“And how was George?” she asked with a grin.
“George and Fred are just fine. They were completely at ease, but this is Fred and George we’re talking about. They’re always at ease. And why are you still grinning like that?” she asked suddenly. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks and was suddenly happy for the cold rain.
“No reason at all, Ems,” she replied stifling a giggle.
“How’s Harry?” Emily asked with a mischievous smile. Ginny stuttered and Emily could tell she was blushing slightly. Her ears were blood red.
“Touché,” she whispered. She turned her attention back to the field as the players started arriving.
As soon as the players walked out of the changing rooms, the Gryffindor section erupted in applause and screaming. The thunder hit hard, but it didn’t phase the crowd. The Hufflepuffs were also coming onto the field, causing the rest of their house to cheer. The Slytherins booed everybody, especially the Gryffindors. Emily and the others watched as Wood and Diggory shook hands. She couldn’t help but think about how handsome both captains were. Though she couldn’t hear the whistle, Emily assumed Madam Hooch blew it since the players were off. It was complete chaos on the field. The players couldn’t tell where they were going because of the wind, rain, and darkness.
Emily and the others tried looking for Harry, but kept losing him amongst the crowd. Emily scanned the crimson robes and spotted some damp red hair. She couldn’t tell which twin it was through the storm but kept her eyes on him all the same. She watched as her house team scored goal after goal. She was amazed they could tell where they were going. They were up by fifty when lightning struck and Madam Hooch blew her whistle. Emily turned around to ask the others what they thought might happen, but Hermione was nowhere to be found.
“Where’d Hermione go?” she asked Ginny.
“I think she went to see the team. She was mumbling about some spell that could help them,” Ginny replied.
Emily shrugged her shoulders and watched as the team huddled near the edge of the field. Emily squinted and saw Hermione’s damp, bushy hair under the umbrella with her wand out.
The team went back into the game and Hermione returned to her seat.
“I’ve charmed Harry’s glasses so they repel water,” she declared.
“Great thinking, Hermione, you’re brilliant,” Emily grinned. Hermione returned her grin and they watched the game unfold.
The thunder and lightning wasn’t letting up and everyone knew that Harry needed to hurry to get the snitch. Emily watched as Cedric flew up the field. He had seen the Snitch. Emily looked around and saw Harry just staring at the crowd.
“Come on, Harry! The Snitch, the Snitch!” she yelled, pointing towards Cedric. It was no use. He obviously wouldn’t be able to hear her, but she didn’t care. She kept yelling and screaming. She finally saw Wood yell at him and then Harry pelted toward Cedric and the Snitch on his Nimbus 2000. Emily turned her head toward the sky and nudged Hermione in the side.
“Ouch, what was that for?” Hermione asked angrily. She looked over at Emily, but Emily was silent. She was looking up at the sky. Hermione followed her gaze. Ginny and Ron, watching the both of them, followed Hermione’s attention with looks of horror on their faces. The Dementors were gliding toward Harry from beneath him. He was looking down at the hooded creatures. It looked as if he was frozen, and then he fainted. He fell from his broom toward the Quidditch pitch. His broom, Emily saw, headed off in another direction. Emily, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were already making their way through the crowd. Emily made sure to keep one eye on Harry’s falling figure, hoping against hope that someone stopped him from hitting the ground. She finally saw his body start to slow and then softly hit the ground. She sighed with relief and watched as Dumbledore sent off the Dementors. As they reached the rest of the Gryffindor team, Harry was already being hovered toward the infirmary. Emily spotted Fred and George and made her way toward them. She smiled half-heartedly and they returned their own faltering smiles. It was all settling in that they had lost the match. They were upset, but knew it wasn’t Harry’s fault. Emily walked in between the twins and grabbed their hands. She squeezed them gently, letting them know that the loss wasn’t the end of the world. George returned her squeeze and glanced over at her.
“I hope he’s all right,” Emily whispered to him. George nodded and they both looked back at Harry’s figure. Emily shivered and George put his arm around her, hoping to warm her up. Fred squeezed her hand gently. They slowly made their way back to the castle.
*** “Lucky the ground was so soft,” whispered Katie.
“I thought he was dead for sure,” whispered Angelina back.
“But he didn’t even break his glasses,” said Alicia.
“That was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” stated Katie.
Emily looked around at the Gryffindor team and Hermione and Ron. She was standing close to George, keeping quiet. Suddenly, Harry’s eyes snapped open.
“Harry!” exclaimed Fred.
“How’re you feeling?”
Harry sat there for a moment, lost in thought.
“What happened?” he asked nobody in particular. Harry sat up, while everyone in the room gasped at him.
“You fell off,” stated Fred.
“Must’ve been—what—fifty feet?” “We thought you’d died,” stated a shaking Alicia.
Hermione, who had been crying previously, made a small, squeaking noise. Emily glanced at her and then back at Harry. She knew he could care less about being in this hospital bed right now. All he cared about was the match and she knew he was going to take it badly when he found out that Cedric caught the Snitch.
“But the match,” said Harry.
“What happened? Are we doing a replay?”
It was silent throughout the infirmary. Everyone saw the truth dawn on Harry and sink in.
“We didn’t—lose?”
“Diggory got the Snitch, just after you fell. He didn’t realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square...even Wood admits it,” explained George.
“Where is Wood?” asked Harry. Emily could tell he was upset, that he blamed himself for their loss.
“Still in the showers. We think he’s trying to drown himself,” spoke up Fred.
Emily watched as Harry put his face in his knees, his hands gripping his hair. Fred shook Harry’s shoulder slightly.
“C’mon, Harry, you’ve never missed the Snitch before,” said Fred soothingly.
“There had to be one time you didn’t get it,” continued George.
“It’s not over yet,” stated Fred.
“We lost by a hundred points, right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin...”
“Hufflepuff’ll have to lose by at least two hundred points,” continued George.
“But if they beat Ravenclaw...”
“No way, Ravenclaw is too good. But if Slytherin loses against Hufflepuff...”
“It all depends on the points—a margin of a hundred either way—” stated Fred determinedly.
Ten minutes later, Madame Pomfrey came out and told everyone to leave. George, Emily, and the rest of the team left as Fred told Harry they’d come see him later. Hermione waved at Emily as she and Ron stayed behind to talk to Harry.
“I...I need to go talk to Remus. I’ll see you later,” Emily said to Fred and George. They looked at her quizzically, but she just shook her head.
Emily made her way down the empty corridors, feeling sad about how crushed Harry had felt. She thought about the game and the Dementors that had started swarming towards him. She shivered as she watched, in her mind, the Dementors glide across the sky. She hugged herself closely, feeling cold quite suddenly. As she reached Remus’s office, she took a big breath and readied herself for the conversation they were about to have. She knocked on the door softly and then stepped inside.
“Remus? Can I ask you a favor?” she asked apprehensively.
“Emily! Of course, what is it? Ask me anything,” Remus said.
“I was wondering if, maybe, you could teach me that spell again. You know, the one to ward off Dementors.” Emily looked straight into his eyes, making sure he knew she was absolutely serious.
“Emily, I don’t know if—”
“C’mon, Remus! I know that I failed at it last time, but I’ll work harder. Seeing Harry fall off his broom like that, something just snapped in me. I’m going to need to learn it eventually. Besides, who’s a better teacher to do it? Exactly! Nobody is. Please,” she begged him.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked her.
“Absolutely, one hundred percent, positively sure.” Emily pushed her lip out and gave him the puppy dog look.
“Oh, all right. Fine, I’ll teach you the spell again. When would you like to start?” he asked.
“How about tomorrow? It’s the weekend, so I don’t have any classes,” she replied happily.
“Tomorrow it is.” *So, the quotes between the Gryffindor team in the Hospital Wing are all JK Rowling's... Whatchya think?