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Oliver nodded at Arya as she told him she would follow. “Don't be long. We need you up there.” He snapped. He narrowed his eyes on the younger girl asking about the injured. She seemed to be no threat. Yet. But he'd be keeping a close eye on her as long as they remained on this floor.
He was fuming. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have allowed himself to be stunned by that blasted prefect? And then to FORGET his job!? His PURPOSE!?
With a scowl on his face he turned to the sound of the familiar little voice of his adopted little sister as she came running towards him. Urgh! WHAT WAS SHE DOING UP HERE!?
He reached out to catch her as she stumbled towards him. “The HELL you waffling about?” He asked her impatiently. “What are you doing here? You need to get back downstairs to safety, Wesley.” He gave her a warning look. She could get hurt.
...By him.
Oh dear.
By the time she arrived to where Oliver and that one girl were, Wesley was a sniveling wreck. Face blotchy, wet, and slightly snot-covered, the Hufflepuff reached for his outstretched hand but then, looking up at his face, recoiled, letting go and shrinking away. She knew she had been bad. She hadn't worked hard enough. She hadn't worked fast enough.
"Th-the promise! I-I promised y-you I w-wouldn't let a-anyb-body else g-get hurt! And, and your hurt!" He was, face covered in blood and dust, bouncy hair matted and tangled,
"I'm s-sorry! I t-tried, I did, but it - it d-doesn't matter! I w-wasn't s-smart enough! I wasn't f-fast enough! H-he's here! H-he's here - the the Hufflepuff K-k-k-ki-KILLER is here! U-upstairs! And- and - and he's g-going t-to k-k-k-kill P-professor L-lupa!"
At this statement, which she had not fully come to before, but now, in the explanation had, the small girl let out a cry. This was not the happy ending that Lettie deserved! Professor Lupa was nice! She was nice -and this bad man was going to kill her! He was going to kill her like he had killed Kyle and Abby and Helios. She was going to die, and if Wesley, if Wesley had worked harder - if she had read those books faster, talked to more people, started searching for answers sooner, this wouldn't have been happening.
"I'm s-sorry Oliver! I'm - I'm sorry! I-," Gulping, she stopped long enough to take in his next words, and shaking her head wildly, continued to babble on,
"I n-need to - I need to get Jake! He l-left after Professor L-lawson, but he's hurt! And I- I need t-to g-get him! I-I promised...!"
She did. She did promise. She promised Jack she'd take care of Jake. And, dark eyes looking slightly crazed, Wesley shook her head once more.
"I - I'm s-sorry Oliver! I g-gotta go! I gotta g-go now!"