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Old 03-19-2010, 03:16 PM   #329 (permalink)
Luna Laufghudd
Special Services to the School
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Originally Posted by noodles View Post
Oliver frowned as Mr Masterson spoke, his sad eyes on Miranda the whole time. “Thanks.” He replied quietly. He wished he could remember what had gone on before he woke up with a bump to the back of his head. But he couldn't.. it was like he'd lost a day of his life and woken up in the middle of a nightmare.

He looked up at the Groundskeeper when he said he was fine. Yeah.. he looked it. Not. But Oliver nodded. He was about to ask if there was anything else he could do when Masterson said he was going up to the next floor. “Alright. I will. Thanks, sir.” He watched him go and then knelt at Miranda's side.

Off came his hoodie. He lifted her head gently and placed it under her as a make shift pillow. Then he sat back, leaning against the wall, deciding it best to allow the girl to wake of her own accord.
Miranda's eyes moved awfully alot under her lids, but it was the only thing that showed she was still with them, somewhow.

There were flashes of green, red, yellow, white. All swimming before her shut eyes, attacking, making her flinch. Her eyes twitched, her head jerked. The flashing, it was too much, cutting at her - eyes fluttered open and she screamed.

Her body wanted to sit up, but being bound by ropes made it a weeeee bit difficult. Her senses came back and it was like that horrible morning in her dormitory again. She panicked, her arm hurt, her head felt like it was going to split open and and she couldn't breathe that well. "Oh- Merlin, oh no no no no!" She looked down at her body, the ropes were not letting her even move her feet.

Suddenly, weirdly, she only just noticed Oliver sitting beside her, her eyes were brimming over with tears. "Oliver?!" Merlin, why is he sitting there? And why hadn't he helped her out of the bonds? "P-please..." she breathed, but her chest hurt for some unknown reason to her, "H-help me..." She looked pleadingly at her friend. Surely he would help her?
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