Originally Posted by
I've always loved that line.
Who else but my beautiful platinum-haired husband?! Who's been cheating on me with everyone in your fics, but fiiiineeee.
Bwaha. I shall take this as a sign that you liikkeyy my new FF. Why, thank you so much, DeeLeerina!
Golddigger? No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Gold is the name of my... SS Hogwarts charrie.
[/random] Quote:
It's finals week for me all next week, sooo... yeah. I'm super stressed and busy and stuff too. So...
Thank you! I need to update TSRTD this week, but I shall try to be good, and make sure I update this, whenever I can.
=3 Quote:
& I AM SO HAPPY TO BE HERE! And feast on this new little fic!!

I swear. It's like... when a new HP book would come out.

It's so exciting, you just wanna read the whole thing in one try. Srsly, that's how amazing and addicting Maxers ish. <3333
Awww. You make me blush, DeeLee, you awesome person, you! xD Thanks a big heap. *shnuggles*