♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Quote:
Originally Posted by Gryffindoll I... Think, therefor I am? xD Quote:
You started a fic - A NEW FAN FIC - about GINNY, with a -GASP- What's this I see on top of the quick reply box?!?!?! A DRACO MALFOY TAG?! Yet that looks like Harry on that banner up there, hmm... Draco Malfoy, who? You know I am obsessed with him and... Ginny.  As for Harry, it miight not be him. *innocent* Quote:
Happy that my Maxers is writing again  and I've found something new to obsess over, and totally bummed out that you didn't even tell me!!  -Wails-
Now I'm not the first post!!!!!!! 
YOU KNOW HOW I LIKE TO BE THE FIRST POST, MAXERS! -Drops to the floor and starts kicking and screaming-  O_O
I ... you ... check your inbox. xD
*tries to cuddle you while you kick and scream* O_o
Iloveyou. <3 Quote:
POST MORE ALREADY (Let the harassment begin )!
It's only been one chapter and I'm already like on the edge of my seat waiting excitedly for the next!!! D: D: D:
Technically, it hasn't even been one chapter yet. Butttt ... I have exams, you know. *runs away and hides*
xD Quote:
But yeah.
My happiness and excitement over the fic doesn't change the fact you didn't tell me about this pot of gold.
Pot of Gold?
*changes ze title to Pot of Gold* xDD
Iloveyouuu, and I am sorry, I do not... talk much about fics, before they're up, it sounds like self-promotion, or something. I only talked to Connie about it, she helped me pick the name. ^^ Not that self-promotion is that bad, sometimes. *cough-checkyourinbox-cough*
AND! One more thing!