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Old 03-18-2010, 03:15 PM   #5 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
Join Date: Jul 2003
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I have no words right now, Maxers.
You started a fic - A NEW FAN FIC - about GINNY, with a -GASP- What's this I see on top of the quick reply box?!?!?! A DRACO MALFOY TAG?! Yet that looks like Harry on that banner up there, hmm...
I'm very happy and very upset right now.
=D ... >=[
Happy that my Maxers is writing again and I've found something new to obsess over, and totally bummed out that you didn't even tell me!! -Wails-
Now I'm not the first post!!!!!!!
YOU KNOW HOW I LIKE TO BE THE FIRST POST, MAXERS! -Drops to the floor and starts kicking and screaming-

But AHH I can't contain my excitement!! (bipolar much? )
POST MORE ALREADY (Let the harassment begin )!
It's only been one chapter and I'm already like on the edge of my seat waiting excitedly for the next!!! D: D: D:
I can't wait to start making my little guesses on this one too, and stuff, like on Us... Hehehe.

But yeah.
My happiness and excitement over the fic doesn't change the fact you didn't tell me about this pot of gold.


— the sun & the moon
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